[bb] IniLib by JaviCervera [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:39

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Title : IniLib
Author : JaviCervera
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : The library is very easy to use. Just open or create the file with the standard ReadFile() and WriteFile() functions and use the library to read or write it. Here's a short description of what each command does:

IniGroup(IniHandle,Group$): Set the current group when reading INI files.
ReadIniField$(IniHandle,Key$[,DefVal$]): Reads a field in the current group. You can store the result into a Int, Float or String variable, depending on the type of data that the Ini Field stores.
WriteIniComment(IniHandle,Comment$): Writes a comment in the ini file.
WriteIniGroup(IniHandle,Group$): Creates a new group in the ini file.
WriteIniField(IniHandle,Key$,Value$): Creates a new field in th eini file.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
; INI Access BlitzBasic library
; Written by Javier San Juan Cervera -- Jedive
; www.softiberia.tk

Function IniGroup(IniHandle,Group$)
SeekFile IniHandle,0
If Group$="" Then Return True
While Not Eof(IniHandle)
If Lower$(ReadLine$(IniHandle))="["+Lower$(Group$)+"]" Then Return True
Return False
End Function


Function ReadIniField$(IniHandle,Key$,DefVal$="")
While Chr$(char)<>"]" And FilePos(IniHandle)>0
SeekFile IniHandle,FilePos(IniHandle)-1
If Chr$(char)<>"]" Then SeekFile IniHandle,FilePos(IniHandle)-1
While Not Eof(IniHandle)
If Left$(lin$,1)="[" Then Return DefVal$
If Left$(lin$,1)<>"#" And Left$(lin$,1)<>"" Then If Lower$(Left$(lin$,Instr(lin$,"=",1)-1))=Lower$(Key$) Then Return Right$(lin$,Len(lin$)-Instr(lin$,"=",1))
Return DefVal$
End Function


Function WriteIniComment(IniHandle,Comment$)
WriteLine IniHandle,"#"+Comment$
End Function


Function WriteIniGroup(IniHandle,Group$)
WriteLine IniHandle,"["+Group$+"]"
End Function


Function WriteIniField(IniHandle,Key$,Value$)
WriteLine IniHandle,Key$+"="+Value$
End Function


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