
Started by Baggey, August 12, 2024, 17:21:37

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Well since this is being updated and worked on by Mark Sibly himself. Ive noticed a spike of Blitz3Der's around.


Ive down loaded it, am looking into it. Im not sure wether blitzmaxNG can do the blitz3d stuff. But it's got me interested. As to why it's being revamped rather than say, modifying BlitzMaxNG further ::) 

Running a PC that just Aint fast enough!? i7 4Ghz Quad core 32GB ram  2x1TB SSD and NVIDIA Quadro K1200 on 2 x HP Z24's . DID Technology stop! Or have we been assimulated!

Windows10, Parrot OS, Raspberry Pi Black Edition! , ZX Spectrum 48k, C64, Enterprise 128K, The SID chip. Im Misunderstood!


Hey all... First off, hope everyone is okay.

He mostly fixed up Blitz3D due to adding compatibility for his new 3D graphics library, LibSGD:-

Home | Blitz World (

Just recently he mentioned he set out to just build a graphics lib, not a game engine, but there is an element of game engineness getting in there, and it is coming along really good, I think (Get the impression) he's generally give up on "game dev languages", I mean, that's just what I think, only he can really answer that really.

It was nice to see Blitz3D getting involved, it's like warm apple pie, but, the IDE, I just cannot do that anymore, so, I wrote my own, called "Launchpad", it wasn't meant to be much, just something I could use to muck about with LibSGD, but, like anything else, it grew... As these things do, lol, more so as I fell into ill health for a few month, and after a couple of month on the couch watching repeats and adverts on Sky... I went nuts with it when I was coming out the other side in regards to getting on the mend! :)

Launchpad –

Please note, I will be changing stuff on there soon, which reflects v1.2 Launchpad, as there has been a lot added, and stuff changed... See the following...

Anyway, if you or anyone is interested, I bundled it all up into a single package, which was originally in his Patreon page as a pre-release for version 1.2 (Which has loads added to it in regards to the version contained currently on my site), but Mark kindly allowed said package to be made public with the newest version of LibSGD:-

Launchpad IDE Complete LibSGD Setup | Blitz World (

Here's a little demo I made with the bundle:-

Meet... Wibble! :) | Blitz World (

So, there we are, it's been a whole lot of fun really keeping up with LibSGD development, reminds me back in the day when we all used to wait for a Blitz update to drop and what goodies were including... It feels like the early noughties all over again! :)

Right, one is off, toodly pip! :)


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 16Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit


Quote from: Dabz on August 12, 2024, 18:00:03Hey all... First off, hope everyone is okay.

He mostly fixed up Blitz3D due to adding compatibility for his new 3D graphics library, LibSGD:-

Home | Blitz World (

Just recently he mentioned he set out to just build a graphics lib, not a game engine, but there is an element of game engineness getting in there, and it is coming along really good, I think (Get the impression) he's generally give up on "game dev languages", I mean, that's just what I think, only he can really answer that really.

It was nice to see Blitz3D getting involved, it's like warm apple pie, but, the IDE, I just cannot do that anymore, so, I wrote my own, called "Launchpad", it wasn't meant to be much, just something I could use to muck about with LibSGD, but, like anything else, it grew... As these things do, lol, more so as I fell into ill health for a few month, and after a couple of month on the couch watching repeats and adverts on Sky... I went nuts with it when I was coming out the other side in regards to getting on the mend! :)

Launchpad –

Please note, I will be changing stuff on there soon, which reflects v1.2 Launchpad, as there has been a lot added, and stuff changed... See the following...

Anyway, if you or anyone is interested, I bundled it all up into a single package, which was originally in his Patreon page as a pre-release for version 1.2 (Which has loads added to it in regards to the version contained currently on my site), but Mark kindly allowed said package to be made public with the newest version of LibSGD:-

Launchpad IDE Complete LibSGD Setup | Blitz World (

Here's a little demo I made with the bundle:-

Meet... Wibble! :) | Blitz World (

So, there we are, it's been a whole lot of fun really keeping up with LibSGD development, reminds me back in the day when we all used to wait for a Blitz update to drop and what goodies were including... It feels like the early noughties all over again! :)

Right, one is off, toodly pip! :)


Hey Dabz, Nice to here you shifted the lurgy! :D

Over the next few days i shall look into your stuff and maybe pop some questions.

Kind Regards Baggey
Running a PC that just Aint fast enough!? i7 4Ghz Quad core 32GB ram  2x1TB SSD and NVIDIA Quadro K1200 on 2 x HP Z24's . DID Technology stop! Or have we been assimulated!

Windows10, Parrot OS, Raspberry Pi Black Edition! , ZX Spectrum 48k, C64, Enterprise 128K, The SID chip. Im Misunderstood!


QuoteNice to here you shifted the lurgy!

Hey Baggey, lol, bit of an understatement, I got a lump in ones "bits", about the size of a pea... Two days later, my nads had grew to the size of a turnip... I'm not jesting either, absolute agony mind... It took 17 days worth of taking types 2 of anti-biotics to get them down, and still not cleared, but enough for them to go in and chop all the badness out with a knife... Mills, I haven't half been through them! :D

Back to work on Wednesday! \o/ yay <--- And there's something I'd never thought I'd say, but, self-employed, 8 or so weeks without a bean coming in, good old hit on the savings! :(

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 16Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit


Quote from: Dabz on August 12, 2024, 20:38:39
QuoteNice to here you shifted the lurgy!

Hey Baggey, lol, bit of an understatement, I got a lump in ones "bits", about the size of a pea... Two days later, my nads had grew to the size of a turnip... I'm not jesting either, absolute agony mind... It took 17 days worth of taking types 2 of anti-biotics to get them down, and still not cleared, but enough for them to go in and chop all the badness out with a knife... Mills, I haven't half been through them! :D

Back to work on Wednesday! \o/ yay <--- And there's something I'd never thought I'd say, but, self-employed, 8 or so weeks without a bean coming in, good old hit on the savings! :(

Good Luck with Wednesday. Hope all goes well.

I cant get it to work :-[

Kind Regards Baggey
Running a PC that just Aint fast enough!? i7 4Ghz Quad core 32GB ram  2x1TB SSD and NVIDIA Quadro K1200 on 2 x HP Z24's . DID Technology stop! Or have we been assimulated!

Windows10, Parrot OS, Raspberry Pi Black Edition! , ZX Spectrum 48k, C64, Enterprise 128K, The SID chip. Im Misunderstood!


Quote from: Dabz on August 12, 2024, 20:38:39I got a lump in ones "bits", about the size of a pea... Two days later, my nads had grew to the size of a turnip... I'm not jesting either, absolute agony mind...

Ouch. Sounds nasty. And I can take a guess the it was an ingrowing hair. Not a pleasant experience to get one of those in a sensitive spot.
Hope you recovered.


@dawlane , oh mate, it's been a complete nightmare, aye, in growing hairs are nasty, but this wasn't caused by a hair, it really just sprung up, one minute, all fine, pretty much blinked really then next thing I was needing a wheelbarrow to carry me spuds about! 😂🤣😂

@Baggey Oh, can you elaborate more if you don't mind, which bit doesn't work, the IDE bundle located in the skirmish-dev link, or the little Wibbles demo? If it's the IDE, does it start (You can see the home tab), can you create a project by following the instructions in the post etc?

Tar muchley! :)

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 16Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit


"Life's biggest obstacles are your greatest opportunities to excel"


@LineOf7s Lol!!! :D

It is noted the combination of the picture of Buster, and your sig text equals an even bigger LOL!!! :D:D:D:D

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 16Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit


Hello Dabz

That Laundpad is great and would be really good if there is Indent(for sorting codes in right order like good old Amiga Amos if you remmber!) button and dunno if is there too much work for you to do?



There is BlitzMax-NG support provided with LibSGD. You just import "sgd.bmx", place the DLL in same folder as your code/exe and call SGD.BlitzFunctionName (), so it's very Blitz3D-like, but with BMX language features, which is nice.

This sort of thing:

Include "sgd.bmx"

SGD.LoadSGD "sgd_dynamic.dll"


SGD.CreateWindow (1280, 720,  ...

The crude samples use the SDK paths for sgd.bmx and DLL so are slightly awkward, but in your own projects you can just stick them in your main folder and do like the above.

I use libsgd distro's include\sgd\sgd.h for quick reference, but of course sgd.bmx has all the param names, etc, too.

All handles are ints like in Blitz3D, obviously to be C-compatible and widely portable.


Little vid of Wibble surrounded by a bit of H2O... Bobby Boucher would be all over that like cheese on a pizza, but, I'm sure people can do a better job then me, this is just your plain old Sin/Cos setup with vertices, but, looks canny!

Wibble Video

@Hotshot - Do you mean a sorta of "Blitz Beautifier"?

Not sure, because formatting is generally a personal preference, though, auto indenting, escaping code blocks with their 'End
{x}' equivalents is something I'll be looking at adding eventually though.


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 16Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit


@Dabz>> well i hope that you feel better :'(

any idea on how to contact Mark Sibly ?

i have some 'addons' for Blitz3d, made by Bobysait in 2015, ( how to get a skinnedvertex position, how to set a vertex as skinned and how to set the weights of some bones over it ),

it would be good if these addons could be added to the 'official' version of Blitz3d.

Derron -> his website (with forum)

or at the BlitzMaxNG-Discord (user "Speedy Snail" or "marksibly")

