Oh Man! Look what I just found....

Started by Amon, March 03, 2023, 14:45:25

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I found this on my archived backup dvd from well over a decade and a half ago. Gonna give it a spin.


Looks interesting.

All online links seem to lead to dead ends regarding its existence, such a shame.

Maybe one day it will appear on archive.org ;) 


I would upload it but I don't know the legalities of it. I remember the Cobra Language being everything missing from Blitz3D. Shadows, simple shaders etc.


Wasn't Cobra the one that used python?  If so I recall owning that but I don't think I ever developed in it or used it for that matter.. Shame. 


It used a python-esk  type language which was cool but geared towards basic syntax. I remember making an FPS in it which was as easy as using Blitz3D.


Looks worth archiving. I would try it.
Ebox Thin Client with Windows 95
EEE PC 701SD with Windows XP
Atari 1040STFM with GEM/TOS
Playstation 2 with FreeMcBoot Yabasic
Keyboard Famiclones with GBasic and FBasic
Xerox Sunrise 1800 with MSBasic and CP/M


I think it's a Pascal variant. (Same here, owned it at the time but never did anything much with it.)


Eeeeeeee, eh... I forgot about that, and agree with Sledge, more Pascal, I wrote a star dodge game in it... But yeah, Cobra Bytes! :D

Didnt Idigicion release a version of that under the iBASIC banner?

I mean, pretty much both sunk, but I'm sure they were both the same developer... Kenneth [someone]?

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 16Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit


I found this


leading me to this


Any relation? Same thing? If so, it does look like Pascal. There's even a cool looking Forth interpreter in the examples.Looks to still be available. Assuming this the same thing.

Says it requires .NET :(  Do the programs that it compiles also require .NET?

Quote from: Dabz on March 03, 2023, 23:30:42Eeeeeeee, eh... I forgot about that, and agree with Sledge, more Pascal, I wrote a star dodge game in it... But yeah, Cobra Bytes! :D

Didnt Idigicion release a version of that under the iBASIC banner?

I mean, pretty much both sunk, but I'm sure they were both the same developer... Kenneth [someone]?


I thought ibasic was Pyxia? Same ibasic?
Ebox Thin Client with Windows 95
EEE PC 701SD with Windows XP
Atari 1040STFM with GEM/TOS
Playstation 2 with FreeMcBoot Yabasic
Keyboard Famiclones with GBasic and FBasic
Xerox Sunrise 1800 with MSBasic and CP/M


Quote from: basicgames on March 04, 2023, 00:39:54I found this


leading me to this


Any relation? Same thing?

https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/3009915 is the one, good find! http://cobra-language.com is unrelated, I think, as it seems to have come along later and has its own entry.


QuoteI thought ibasic was Pyxia? Same ibasic?
To be fair, my memory is a bit hazy on that, but I'm sure GrahamK (Not Kenneth, but knew there was a K involved somewhere, lol) worked with Idg after the BlitzReseach fallout so it had a language to sell, then they went their separate ways... One could be wrong though, many many moons have past since! :)

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 16Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit


This thread is really interesting. I also found some information. The developer's information:


Quote from: round157 on March 04, 2023, 13:03:54This thread is really interesting. I also found some information. The developer's information:
That's deffo him. If you look he still manages the company Squeeky Duck Design. That was the company name on the website for Cobra.


There's just something appealing about IDE's of that era.
To me, they are treasures.
Ebox Thin Client with Windows 95
EEE PC 701SD with Windows XP
Atari 1040STFM with GEM/TOS
Playstation 2 with FreeMcBoot Yabasic
Keyboard Famiclones with GBasic and FBasic
Xerox Sunrise 1800 with MSBasic and CP/M