Does Monkey2 have dependances ?

Started by mainsworthy, June 08, 2024, 03:37:20

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Does Monkey2 have dependances ? I just run it on my system but I may have frameworks installed so I dont know if it runs on a clean system.


Yes it does. On Linux it's generally easy to work out what runtime dependencies are required. You use the load dependencies command on an application to get a list of the libraries used, and then use the systems package manager to find what package the library belongs to. You can easily write a small bash script to automatically generate an install command line output.

For the ultimate test. Use a clean virtualbox Linux install and clone it for testing.


thanks, but I use windows. dont think it has , just dont know for sure


Did a quick check. nope. On windows monkey2/wonkey has no dependancies. it works fine on windows 10/11 (and I think 7/8 too!)

BUT it also depends on the compiler setup you have. There are 2 options:
1. visual studio based (possibly has dependancies?). Personally I would NOT reccomend this setup
2. mingw - best one to go for with no dependancies :)

BUT... (there is always a but - lol)
If you are using other frameworks then you might need the dependancies for them. You should see if there are other files added like. xx.dll in 'products' as you build the .exe. they will all be there for you :)
