Building BlitzMax NG failure on macOS

Started by wombats, June 11, 2018, 12:02:10

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I'm following the instructions in this thread.

I get to the Build bmk and bcc NG in 64-bit step.

When running...

./bmk makeapp -a -r -w -g x64 -t console ../src/bmk-ng/bmk.bmx

...I get this error:

Compile Error: Expression has no scope
Build Error: failed to compile (65280) /Applications/BlitzMax-NG/mod/brl.mod/appstub.mod/debugger_mt.stdio.bmx

I'm using macOS 10.13.5 High Sierra if that makes a difference.


Somewhere Brucey wrote that you cannot compile the very latest bcc/bmk with the release-packages.

So you need to fetch a older/some-revisions-before bcc, compile that - and use this new bcc build to build the newest variant then.

Else you might wait for Brucey to upload a Mac-Package (or another user uploads their current mac-package).



Ah...I see. Thanks for the reply.

NG used to have its own website, didn't it?


it does not have its own website yet.

as starting point.

Or ask in this forum.


wombats used to be about it, but it doesn't work anymore.

The only prebuilt binaries for macOS on the GitHub are from 2015, so I guess I'll have to wait.


Hi wombat,

so did you use the latest source for brl/pub/maxgui or the latest release package?

I'm not sure what's going on in the latest releases, whether it's fetching the right bcc/bmk or the latest one so here is a list of nearest commits to when 0.93 was released (Mar 13 2018) which should work since Brucey tested a lot at this point.

brl (Mar 15 2018), pub (Mar 14 2018), maxgui (Mar 18 2018)

Updated links:
bcc (latest), bmk (latest)


Hi markcwm,

I used the ones linked in your guide. I'll try the ones you just posted. Thanks.


Hi markcwm,

I downloaded the ones you linked in this thread. Now it's failing to compile blitz.bmx. It doesn't give me a more descriptive error.


blitz.bmx from the brl.mod linked above, or from the current one?

to compile the latest brl.mod from bmx-ng you need the most current bcc-build (so fetch an older brl.mod, fetch the newest bcc from github and compile bcc with that. afterwards you can use this new bcc build to compile with the most current brl.mod).

Things will change when Brucey uploads new releases containing the most uptodate binaries + modules for the desired platforms.



Yeah, sorry wombat, like Derron says your best bet is to use the latest bcc/bmk but an older brl/pub/maxgui.


No worries. I appreciate the help and advice. I will try your latest suggestion tomorrow.