Bah.mod Freeimage.mod

Started by _PJ_, September 22, 2024, 18:25:51

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I have been trying to build and use this mod, but it fails to build::

The only other 3rd party mod are: "bah.registry" and "bah.speech"

Here's the end snippet of the output log showing where it breaks:

Quote[ 26%] Compiling:PluginG3.cpp
C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/MinGW32x64/bin/gcc.exe -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/brl.mod/pixmap.mod" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/brl.mod/max2d.mod" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/brl.mod/endianstream.mod" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/brl.mod/standardio.mod" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/brl.mod/blitz.mod" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/FreeImage" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/FreeImageToolkit" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/LibJPEG" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/LibTIFF4" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/Metadata" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/LibRawLite" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/LibRawLite/dcraw" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/LibRawLite/internal" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/LibRawLite/libraw" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/LibRawLite/src" -I"C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/ZLib"  -fexceptions -DPNG_iTXt_SUPPORTED -DPNG_PREFIX -DHAVE_PROTOTYPES -DFREEIMAGE_LIB -DOPJ_STATIC -DUSE_JPIP -DZ_PREFIX -DFREEIMAGE_JPEG_EXTERNAL_NAMES -DLIBRAW_NODLL -DLIBRAW_LIBRARY_BUILD -D__ANSI__ -D_GLIBCXX_USE_C99_DYNAMIC -DTHREADED  -w -DBMX_NG -m64 -ffast-math  -c -O3 -msse3 -s  -g -o "C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/FreeImage/.bmx/fsF_PluginG3.cpp.debug.win32.x64.o" "C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/src/FreeImage/PluginG3.cpp"
Build Error: failed to compile (1) C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/freeimageglue.cpp

I only use (and only intend to use) WIN32 platform, x64 architecture - so try to build with these options - might that be the reason for the failure?

If it turns out this mod is incompatible with x64 -  then at least I know, otherwise,. is there anything that can be done?


i know how aggravating and disappointing that can be, i've had my fare share of luck. if only i had the skill to actually get modules i want working since most of the work had been done already.

now maxgui and openb3d isnt compatible with what linux is now using wayland and people are dissing linux as a viable and better alternative than windows that some people actually use as a better platform.

i use and like both but i'm a hardcore linux fanboy when it comes to development and performance and efficiency and open source and systems.

i dont understand the compiler errors, is that in verbose mode? i recommend turning it off and sharing the actual compile error output.
im still interested in game app development even if its oldschool. i have ideas i want to try myself in this project if i can ever accomplish it.


also, isnt freeimage a mod included outside of the unsupported bah modules, a separate and updated repository? i'm thinking of image.mod. @_PJ_
im still interested in game app development even if its oldschool. i have ideas i want to try myself in this project if i can ever accomplish it.


Thanks for the reply, William.

Yeah, the debuglog was in Verbose mode - Here's the "normal" version  ::

Building Modules
[  0%] Processing:source_jxr.bmx
[  0%] Processing:source_openexr.bmx
[  0%] Processing:source_openjpeg.bmx
[  0%] Processing:source_webp.bmx
[  3%] Processing:source.bmx
[  5%] Processing:common.bmx
[ 13%] Processing:freeimage.bmx
[ 25%] Compiling:freeimageglue.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:BitmapAccess.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:CacheFile.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:ColorLookup.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:Conversion.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:Conversion16_555.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:Conversion16_565.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:Conversion24.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:Conversion32.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:Conversion4.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:Conversion8.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:ConversionFloat.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:ConversionRGB16.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:ConversionRGBA16.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:ConversionRGBAF.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:ConversionRGBF.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:ConversionType.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:ConversionUINT16.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:FreeImage.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:FreeImageC.c
[ 25%] Compiling:FreeImageIO.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:GetType.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:Halftoning.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:J2KHelper.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:LFPQuantizer.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:MNGHelper.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:MemoryIO.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:MultiPage.cpp
[ 25%] Compiling:NNQuantizer.cpp
[ 26%] Compiling:PSDParser.cpp
[ 26%] Compiling:PixelAccess.cpp
[ 26%] Compiling:Plugin.cpp
[ 26%] Compiling:PluginBMP.cpp
[ 26%] Compiling:PluginCUT.cpp
[ 26%] Compiling:PluginDDS.cpp
[ 26%] Compiling:PluginEXR.cpp
[ 26%] Compiling:PluginG3.cpp
[ 26%] Compiling:PluginGIF.cpp
Build Error: failed to compile (1) C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/freeimageglue.cpp
Process complete


its not outputting the actual error but i'm of no help anyway. sometimes i can hack/fix one but then another error and then it may break things anyway.

i can try freeimage on my end. i might get to get if i have spare time. best wishes :) edit: btw i only know basic programming.
im still interested in game app development even if its oldschool. i have ideas i want to try myself in this project if i can ever accomplish it.


okay definitely outside my skillset i tried compiling it. but i checked and image.mod is the equivalent do you need to save image files or something, why freeimage instead of image.mod. i don't know whether image.mod allows saving image files to the different formats.
im still interested in game app development even if its oldschool. i have ideas i want to try myself in this project if i can ever accomplish it.


I was needing something to both load and save DDS format - even if I write an exporter (based on the info here: )
I still need to be able to check they can load in again.

As this is for a tool for use by others in  a community, I have no control over the source files loaded in, - but at least I only have to worry about writing DTX1,3, or 5 versions