[BMX] Simple graphical GUI

Started by GW, March 25, 2022, 23:51:29

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This is a simple graphical GUI. It was originaly written in Monkey by 'Supertino'.
Converted to Bmax-ng.  Handy to use for quick prototyping.

DEMO progam

Framework brl.basic
Import brl.glmax2d
Import brl.map
Include "simpleui.bmx"

AppTitle = "Simple UI demo"

Graphics 500, 500

Global but1:GUI_Button = New GUI_Button
but1.Create(10, 10, 150, "Add dropdown item")

Global dd1:GUI_DropDown = New GUI_DropDown
dd1.Create(10, 40, 150)
dd1.AddItem("Item 1")
dd1.AddItem("Item 2")
dd1.AddItem("Item 3")

Global lbl:GUI_Label = New GUI_Label
lbl.Create(180, 10, 180, "This is a label")

Global txt:GUI_TextBox = New GUI_textbox
txt.Create(10, 400, 450, "Textbox")
txt.setText("sample text...")

Global chk:GUI_CheckBox = New GUI_Checkbox
chk.Create(10, 440, "Rotate Back Color", 200)

Global lstbox:GUI_ListBox = New GUI_ListBox
lstbox.Create(250, 40, 200, 300)
lstbox.AddItem("List Item 1")
lstbox.AddItem("List Item 2")
lstbox.AddItem("List Item 3")

Global but2:GUI_Button = New GUI_Button
but2.Create(250, 350, 200, "Add Listbox Item")

Global spnr:GUI_Spinner = New GUI_Spinner
spnr.Create(10, 350, 160,,, 5, "spinner")

Global sldr:GUI_Slider = New GUI_slider
sldr.Create(180, 80, 200, 100, True)
While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
If but1.Update() Then
dd1.AddItem("new Item " + Rand(1, 100))
End If

If but2.Update() Then
lstbox.AddItem("new Item " + Rand(1, 100))
End If

                DrawText(Fps(), 460, 1)

If chk.GetState()
SetClsColor(Abs(Sin(MilliSecs() / 10)) * 200, Abs(Sin(MilliSecs() / 20)) * 200, Abs(Sin(MilliSecs() / 30)) * 200)
SetClsColor(0, 0, 0)

Function Fps%()
Global fps%
Global fpst:Long
Global fpsc%
Local Milli:Long=Long(MilliSecs())+4294967296:Long
If fpst < Milli Then
fps = fpsc
fpsc = 0
fpsc = fpsc + 1
End If
Return fps
End Function


''SimpleGUI' Original code by Supertino

Type GUI_Properties

Const UP:Int = 0, RIGHT:Int = 1, DOWN:Int = 2, LEFT:Int = 3
Global Color:GUI_Colors = New GUI_Colors
Global Shape:GUI_Shapes = New GUI_Shapes
Global GadgetID:Int ' keep track of the number of gadgets to assign new id's
Global SelectedGadgetID:Int ' what gadget is currently selected
Const DEFAULTGADSIZE:Int = 22 ' gadget height of gadgets that do not have a height attribute
Field _textWidth:Int = TextWidth("X") ' width of a char
Field _x:Int ' x position of the gadget
Field _y:Int ' y position of the gadget
Field _width:Int ' width of gadget
Field _height:Int ' height of gadget
Field _id:Int ' unique id of the gadget
Field _label:String ' for gadgets that have a label such as button and textbox
Field _value:Int ' for gadgets that return an Int value
Field _text:String ' for gadgets that return a String value
Field _index:Int ' for gadgets that return a index value
Field _state:Int ' for gagets that can have states, buttons, checkboxes
Field _enabled% = True ' enable\disable gadget flag
Field _hidden% ' hide\show gadget flag

Field TH%
Method SetGadgetID:Int(); GadgetID = GadgetID + 1; Return GadgetID; End Method

Method MouseOverGadget%()
If MouseX() > _x And MouseY() > _y And MouseX() < _x + _width And MouseY() < _y + _height Then Return True
End Method

Function StrMid:String(value:String, index:Int, count:Int)
Return value[ (index - 1) .. ( (index - 1) + count)]
End Function

Method X:Int(); Return _x; End Method
Method Y:Int(); Return _y; End Method
Method Width:Int(); Return _width; End Method
Method Height:Int(); Return _height; End Method

Method Disable (); _enabled = False; End Method
Method Enable (); _enabled = True; End Method

Method Show (); _hidden = False; End Method
Method Hide (); _hidden = True; End Method

Method New()
TH = TextHeight("X")
End Method

End Type


Type GUI_Colors

Method Reset (); SetColor 255, 255, 255; End Method
Method Base (); SetColor 68, 134, 250; End Method
Method Dark (); SetColor 39, 59, 155; End Method
Method Lite (); SetColor 100, 200, 255; End Method
End Type


Type GUI_Shapes

Const THICKNESS:Int = 1
Const LEFT:Int = 0, CENTER:Int = 1, RIGHT:Int = 2
Const TOP:Int = 0, MIDDLE:Int = 1, BOTTOM:Int = 2

'Summary: Draw a button gadget
Method Button (a:GUI_Button)
Select a._state
Case 0
a.Color.Lite; DrawRect a._x, a._y, a._width, a._height
a.Color.Dark; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - THICKNESS, a._height - THICKNESS
a.Color.Base; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), a._height - (THICKNESS * 2)
If a._arrow
DrawButtonArrow(a._arrowType, a._x, a._y, a._width, a._height)
DrawLabel(a._label, a._x, a._y, a._width, a._height, MIDDLE, CENTER)
End If
Case 1
a.Color.Dark; DrawRect a._x, a._y, a._width, a._height
a.Color.Lite; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - THICKNESS, a._height - THICKNESS
a.Color.Base; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), a._height - (THICKNESS * 2)
If a._arrow
DrawButtonArrow(a._arrowType, a._x + 1, a._y + 1, a._width, a._height)
DrawLabel(a._label, a._x + 1, a._y + 1, a._width, a._height, MIDDLE, CENTER)
End If
End Select
End Method

'Summary: Draw the arrows on sliders and spinner
Method DrawButtonArrow (dir:Int, x:Int, y:Int, width:float, height:float)
Local point:Float[6]
Select dir
Case 0
point[0] = x + (width / 2)
point[1] = y + (height / 2) - (height / 4)
point[2] = x + (width / 2) + (width / 4)
point[3] = y + (height / 2) + (height / 4)
point[4] = x + (width / 2) - (width / 4)
point[5] = point[3]
Case 1
point[0] = x + (width / 2) - (width / 4)
point[1] = y + (height / 2) - (height / 4)
point[2] = x + (width / 2) + (width / 4)
point[3] = y + (height / 2)
point[4] = point[0]
point[5] = y + (height / 2) + (height / 4)
Case 2
point[0] = x + (width / 2) - (width / 4)
point[1] = y + (height / 2) - (height / 4)
point[2] = point[0] + (width / 2)
point[3] = point[1]
point[4] = point[0] + (width / 4)
point[5] = point[1] + (height / 2)
Case 3
point[0] = x + (width / 2) + (width / 4)
point[1] = y + (height / 2) - (height / 4)
point[2] = point[0]
point[3] = y + (height / 2) + (height / 4)
point[4] = x + (width / 2) - (width / 4)
point[5] = y + (height / 2)
End Select
End Method

'Summary: Draw a text box gadget
Method TextBox (a:GUI_TextBox)
a.Color.Dark; DrawRect a._x, a._y, a._width, a._height
a.Color.Lite; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - THICKNESS, a._height - THICKNESS
a.Color.Base; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), a._height - (THICKNESS * 2)
a.Color.Reset; DrawLabel(a._label, a._x - TextWidth(a._label) + 1, a._y + 1, a._width, a._height, MIDDLE, LEFT)
DrawLabel(a._visableText, a._x + 4, a._y, a._width, a._height, MIDDLE, LEFT)
End Method

'Summary: Draw a spinner gadget
Method Spinner (a:GUI_Spinner)
a.Color.Dark; DrawRect a._x, a._y, a._width, a._height
a.Color.Dark; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - THICKNESS, a._height - THICKNESS
a.Color.Base; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), a._height - (THICKNESS * 2)
a.Color.Reset; DrawLabel(a._label, (a._x - TextWidth(a._label)) + 1, a._y + 1, a._width, a._height, MIDDLE, LEFT)
DrawLabel(a._value, a._x, a._y, a._width, a._height, MIDDLE, CENTER)
End Method

'Summary: Draw a gadget label (attached to a gadget)
Method DrawLabel (text:String, x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int, align_vert:Int = LEFT, align_horz:Int = TOP)
If text.Length = 0 Then Return
Local tw:float = TextWidth(text) ' need to caste out else Desktop build crashes
Local th:Float = TextHeight(text) ' need to caste out else Desktop build crashes 'AW

Select align_horz
Case CENTER; x = float(x) + (float(width) / 2.0) - (tw / 2.0)
Case RIGHT; x = float(x) + float(width) - tw
End Select

Select align_vert
Case MIDDLE; y = float(y) + (float(height) / 2) - (th / 2)
Case BOTTOM; y = float(y) + float(height) - th
End Select

SetBlend LIGHTBLEND'AdditiveBlend
DrawText text, x, y
SetBlend AlphaBlend
End Method

'Summary: Draw a slider gadget
Method Slider (a:GUI_Slider)
a.Color.Lite; DrawRect a._x, a._y, a._width, a._height
a.Color.Dark; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - THICKNESS, a._height - THICKNESS
a.Color.Base; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), a._height - (THICKNESS * 2)
If a._vertBar
If a._value = a._maxValue
DrawRect a._x + (THICKNESS * 4), a._y + a._height - a._knobSize + (THICKNESS * 4), a._knobSize - (THICKNESS * 8), a._knobSize - (THICKNESS * 8)
DrawRect a._x + (THICKNESS * 4), a._y + (a._increment * a._value) + (THICKNESS * 4), a._knobSize - (THICKNESS * 8), a._knobSize - (THICKNESS * 8)
If a._value = a._maxValue
DrawRect a._x + a._width - a._knobSize + (THICKNESS * 4), a._y + (THICKNESS * 4), a._knobSize - (THICKNESS * 8), a._knobSize - (THICKNESS * 8)
DrawRect a._x + (a._increment * a._value) + (THICKNESS * 4), a._y + (THICKNESS * 4), a._knobSize - (THICKNESS * 8), a._knobSize - (THICKNESS * 8)
End Method

'Summary: Draw a slider gadget
Method DropDown (a:GUI_DropDown, part:Int = 0)
Select part
Case 0 ' Main gadget
If Not a._pressed
a.Color.Lite; DrawRect a._x, a._y, a._width, a._height
a.Color.Dark; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - THICKNESS, a._height - THICKNESS
a.Color.Base; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), a._height - (THICKNESS * 2)
DrawButtonArrow(a.DOWN, a._x + a._width - a.DEFAULTGADSIZE, a._y, a.DEFAULTGADSIZE, a.DEFAULTGADSIZE)
If MapCount(a._itemList) = 0 Return
DrawLabel(a.StrMid(String(a._itemList.ValueForKey(a._index + 1)), 1, ((a._width - a.DEFAULTGADSIZE) / a._textWidth) - 1), a._x + 4, a._y, a._width, a._height, MIDDLE, Left)
a.Color.Dark; DrawRect a._x, a._y, a._width, a._height
a.Color.Lite; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - THICKNESS, a._height - THICKNESS
a.Color.Base; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), a._height - (THICKNESS * 2)
DrawButtonArrow(a.DOWN, a._x + a._width - a.DEFAULTGADSIZE + 1, a._y + 1, a.DEFAULTGADSIZE, a.DEFAULTGADSIZE)
If MapCount(a._itemList) = 0 Return
DrawLabel(a.StrMid(String(a._itemList.ValueForKey(a._index + 1)), 1, ((a._width - a.DEFAULTGADSIZE) / a._textWidth) - 1), a._x + 4 + 1, a._y + 1, a._width, a._height, MIDDLE, Left)
Case 1 ' drop down list
If MapCount(a._itemList) = 0 Then Return
Local Height:Int = MapCount(a._itemList) * a._listLineHeight
Local y% = a._y + a._height
If a._showListAbove
y = a._y - height
End If
a.Color.Lite; DrawRect a._x, y, a._width, height
a.Color.Dark; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, y + THICKNESS, a._width - THICKNESS, height - THICKNESS
a.Color.Base; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, y + THICKNESS, a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), height - (THICKNESS * 2)
If a._showListAbove
DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y - (MapCount(a._itemList) * a._listLineHeight) + THICKNESS + (a._index * a._listLineHeight), a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), a._listLineHeight - (THICKNESS * 2)
DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, (a._y + a._height) + (a._index * a._listLineHeight) + THICKNESS, a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), a._listLineHeight - (THICKNESS * 2)
For Local b:Int = 1 To MapCount(a._itemList)
DrawLabel(a.StrMid(String(a._itemList.ValueForKey(b)), 1, (a._width / a._textWidth) - 1), a._x + 4, (y) + (b - 1) * a._listLineHeight, a._width, a._listLineHeight, MIDDLE, 0)
End Select
End Method

'Summary: Draw a text box gadget
Method CheckBox (a:GUI_CheckBox)
a.Color.Dark; DrawRect a._x, a._y, a._width, a._height
a.Color.Lite; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - THICKNESS, a._height - THICKNESS
a.Color.Base; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), a._height - (THICKNESS * 2)
a.Color.Reset; DrawLabel(a._label, a._x + a._textWidth + a._width, a._y, a._width, a._height, MIDDLE, LEFT)
If a._state
DrawLine a._x + (a._width / 3), a._y + (a._height / 2), (a._x + a._width) - (a._width / 2), (a._y + a._height) - (a._height / 4)
DrawLine a._x + (a._width / 3) - 1, a._y + (a._height / 2), (a._x + a._width) - (a._width / 2) - 1, (a._y + a._height) - (a._height / 4)
DrawLine(a._x + a._width) - (a._width / 4), a._y + (a._height / 4), a._x + (a._width / 2), (a._y + a._height) - (a._height / 4)
DrawLine(a._x + a._width) - (a._width / 4) - 1, a._y + (a._height / 4), a._x + (a._width / 2) - 1, (a._y + a._height) - (a._height / 4)
End Method

'Summary: Draw a text box gadget
Method ListBox (a:GUI_ListBox)
a.Color.Dark; DrawRect a._x, a._y, a._width, a._height
a.Color.Lite; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - THICKNESS, a._height - THICKNESS
a.Color.Base; DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS, a._y + THICKNESS, a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), a._height - (THICKNESS * 2)
a.Color.Reset; DrawLabel(a._label, a._x + a._textWidth + a._width, a._y, a._width, a._height, MIDDLE, LEFT)
If a._selectedIndex >= a._listOffset And a._selectedIndex < (a._visableItemCount + a._listOffset)
DrawRect a._x + THICKNESS,(a._y) + (a._selectedIndex * a._listLineHeight) + THICKNESS - (a._listOffset * a._listLineHeight),a._width - (THICKNESS * 2), a._listLineHeight - (THICKNESS * 2)
For Local b:Int = 1 + a._listOffset To a._visableItemCount + a._listOffset
DrawLabel(a.StrMid(String(a._itemList.ValueForKey(b)), 1, (a._width / a._textWidth) - 1), a._x + 4, ((a._y) + (b - 1) * a._listLineHeight) - (a._listOffset * a._listLineHeight), a._width, a._listLineHeight, MIDDLE, 0)
End Method

End Type


Type GUI_Button Extends GUI_Properties

Field _arrow%
Field _arrowType:Int
Method Create (x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, text:String = "", height:Int = DEFAULTGADSIZE)
_x = x
_y = y
_width = width
_height = height
_id = SetGadgetID()
If text = "" Then _label = "button " + _id Else _label = text
If text = "@!U" Then _arrow = True; _arrowType = UP
If text = "@!R" Then _arrow = True; _arrowType = RIGHT
If text = "@!D" Then _arrow = True; _arrowType = DOWN
If text = "@!L" Then _arrow = True; _arrowType = LEFT
End Method

Method Render ()
If _hidden = True Then Return
End Method

Method Update%()
If _enabled = False Or _hidden = True Then Return False
If SelectedGadgetID = 0
If MouseOverGadget() And MouseHit(MOUSE_LEFT) Then SelectedGadgetID = _id
ElseIf SelectedGadgetID = _id
If MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) And MouseOverGadget()
_state = 1
ElseIf MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) And Not MouseOverGadget()
_state = 0
ElseIf NOT MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) And MouseOverGadget()
_state = 0
SelectedGadgetID = 0
Return True
ElseIf NOT MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) And NOT MouseOverGadget()
_state = 0
SelectedGadgetID = 0
Return False
End Method

End Type

Type GUI_TextBox Extends GUI_Properties

Field _visableText:String
Field _cursorBlink:Int
Field _cursorTimer:Int
Field _cursorOffset:Int
Field _textOffset:Int

Method EditText ()
If _state = 0 Return

If KeyHit(KEY_LEFT)'char = CHAR_LEFT
_cursorOffset = _cursorOffset - 1
If _cursorOffset <= 0
_cursorOffset = 0
_textOffset = _textOffset - 1
If _textOffset <= 0 Then _textOffset = 0
ElseIf KeyHit(KEY_RIGHT)'char = CHAR_RIGHT
_cursorOffset = _cursorOffset + 1
If _cursorOffset >= _visableText.Length
_cursorOffset = _visableText.Length
_textOffset = _textOffset + 1
If _textOffset >= _text.Length - _visableText.Length Then _textOffset = _text.Length - _visableText.Length
'If _textOffset = 0 And _cursorOffset = 0 Then Exit
Local part:String[2]
part[0] = StrMid(_text, 1, _textOffset + _cursorOffset - 0)
part[1] = StrMid(_text, _textOffset + _cursorOffset + 1, _text.Length - (_textOffset + _cursorOffset))
If part[1].Length > 0 Then part[1] = part[1][1..]
_text = part[0] + part[1]

Local char% = GetChar()
If (Not char) Then Exit

If _textOffset = 0 And _cursorOffset = 0 Then Exit
Local part:String[2]
part[0] = StrMid(_text, 1, _textOffset + _cursorOffset - 1)
part[1] = StrMid(_text, _textOffset + _cursorOffset + 1, _text.Length - (_textOffset + _cursorOffset))
_text = part[0] + part[1]
_textOffset = _textOffset - 1
If _textOffset < 0
_textOffset = 0
_cursorOffset = _cursorOffset - 1
End If

'ElseIf char = CHAR_ENTER or char = CHAR_ESCAPE
ElseIf char = 13 'Or char = 27
SelectedGadgetID = 0
_state = 0
_textOffset = 0
'ElseIf char = CHAR_UP
'ElseIf char = CHAR_DOWN
' ElseIf KeyHit(KEY_LEFT)'char = CHAR_LEFT
' _cursorOffset = _cursorOffset - 1
' If _cursorOffset <= 0
' _cursorOffset = 0
' _textOffset = _textOffset - 1
' If _textOffset <= 0 Then _textOffset = 0
' EndIf
' ElseIf KeyHit(KEY_RIGHT)'char = CHAR_RIGHT
' _cursorOffset = _cursorOffset + 1
' If _cursorOffset >= _visableText.Length
' _cursorOffset = _visableText.Length
' _textOffset = _textOffset + 1
' If _textOffset >= _text.Length - _visableText.Length Then _textOffset = _text.Length - _visableText.Length
' EndIf
ElseIf char >= 32
Local part:String[2]
part[0] = StrMid(_text, 1, _textOffset + _cursorOffset)
part[1] = StrMid(_text, _textOffset + _cursorOffset + 1, _text.Length - (_textOffset + _cursorOffset))
'_text = part[0] + String.FromChar(char) + part[1]
_text = part[0] + Chr(char) + part[1]
If _cursorOffset < _visableText.Length
_cursorOffset = _cursorOffset + 1
_textOffset = _textOffset + 1
End Method

Method DrawCursor ()
If _state = 0 Return
If _cursorTimer < MilliSecs()
_cursorTimer = MilliSecs() + 200
If _cursorBlink = 0 Then _cursorBlink = 1 Else _cursorBlink = 0
End If
If _cursorBlink = 0 Then Return
Color.Reset() ; DrawRect(_x + (_textWidth * _cursorOffset) + 4, _y + (_height / 2) - (TH / 2) + 1, _textWidth / 3, TH)
End Method

Method CalcVisableText ()
_visableText = StrMid(_text, (_textOffset + 1), (_width / _textWidth) - 1)
End Method

Method Create (x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, label:String = "")
If label.Length > 0 Then _label = label + " "
_x = x + TextWidth(_label)
_y = y
_width = width - TextWidth(_label)
_id = SetGadgetID()
End Method

Method Render ()
If _hidden = True Then Return
End Method

Method Update%()
If _enabled = False Or _hidden = True Then Return False
If SelectedGadgetID = 0
If MouseOverGadget() And MouseHit(1) Then SelectedGadgetID = _id
ElseIf SelectedGadgetID = _id
If _state = 0
If _text.Length > _visableText.Length
_cursorOffset = _visableText.Length
_textOffset = _text.Length - _visableText.Length
_cursorOffset = _text.Length
_state = 1
If MouseHit(1) Then SelectedGadgetID = 0; _state = 0; _textOffset = 0
End Method

Method SetText (text:string); _text = text; End Method

Method GetText:String(); Return _text; End Method

Method X:Int(); Return _x - TextWidth(_label); End Method

Method Width:Int(); Return _width + TextWidth(_label); End Method

End Type

Type GUI_Spinner Extends GUI_Properties

Field _cmdAdd:GUI_Button = New GUI_Button
Field _cmdSub:GUI_Button = New GUI_Button
Field _increment:Int


Method Create (x:Int, y:Int, max_width:Int, digit_count:Int = 3, value:Int = 0, increment:Int = 1, label:String = "")
If label.Length > 0 Then _label = label + " "
_y = y
_width = ( (digit_count + 2) * _textWidth)
If (_width + DEFAULTGADSIZE + TextWidth(_label)) > max_width Then
_label = StrMid(_label, 1, ( (max_width - (_width + DEFAULTGADSIZE)) / _textWidth) - 1)
_label = _label + " "
_x = x + TextWidth(_label)
_x = x + TextWidth(_label)
_id = SetGadgetID()
_value = value
_increment = increment
_cmdAdd.Create(_x + _width, _y, DEFAULTGADSIZE, "@!U", (DEFAULTGADSIZE / 2))
_cmdSub.Create(_x + _width, _y + (DEFAULTGADSIZE / 2), DEFAULTGADSIZE, "@!D", (DEFAULTGADSIZE / 2))
End Method

Method Render ()
If _hidden = True Then Return
End Method

Method Update ()
If _enabled = False or _hidden = True Then Return
If _cmdAdd.Update Then _value = _value + _increment
If _cmdSub.Update Then _value = _value - _increment
End Method

Method SetValue (value:Int); _value = value; End Method

Method GetValue:Int(); Return _value; End Method

Method SetIncrement (value:Int); _increment = value; End Method

Method X:Int(); Return _x - TextWidth(_label); End Method

Method Width:Int(); Return _width + TextWidth(_label) + DEFAULTGADSIZE; End Method
End Type


Type GUI_Slider Extends GUI_Properties

Field _cmdAdd:GUI_Button = New GUI_Button
Field _cmdSub:GUI_Button = New GUI_Button
Field _maxValue:Int
Field _vertBar%
Field _knobSize:Int = DEFAULTGADSIZE
Field _increment:Int


Method Create (x:Int, y:Int, length:Int, maxValue:Int, verticalBar% = True)
_id = SetGadgetID()
_maxValue = maxValue
If verticalBar = True
_height = length - DEFAULTGADSIZE
_cmdSub.Create(x, y + _height, DEFAULTGADSIZE, "@!D", DEFAULTGADSIZE)
_height = length - (DEFAULTGADSIZE * 2)
_x = x
_increment = ( (Float(_height) - Float(DEFAULTGADSIZE)) / Float(_maxValue))
_vertBar = True
_width = length - DEFAULTGADSIZE
_cmdSub.Create(x + _width, y, DEFAULTGADSIZE, "@!R", DEFAULTGADSIZE)
_width = length - (DEFAULTGADSIZE * 2)
_y = y
_increment = ( (_width - DEFAULTGADSIZE) / _maxValue)
_vertBar = False
End If
End Method

Method Render ()
If _hidden = True Then Return
End Method

Method Update ()
If _enabled = False or _hidden = True Then Return
If _cmdSub.Update And _value < _maxValue
_value = _value + 1
If _cmdAdd.Update And _value > 0
_value = _value - 1
If SelectedGadgetID = 0
If MouseOverGadget() And MouseHit(MOUSE_LEFT) Then SelectedGadgetID = _id
ElseIf SelectedGadgetID = _id
If MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) And _increment > 0
If _vertBar
_value = (MouseY() - (_y + (DEFAULTGADSIZE * 0.5))) / _increment
_value = (MouseX() - (_x + (DEFAULTGADSIZE * 0.5))) / _increment
If _value < 0 Then _value = 0
If _value > _maxValue Then _value = _maxValue
ElseIf Not MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT)
SelectedGadgetID = 0

End Method

Method GetValue:Int(); Return _value; End Method

Method SetValue (value:Int)
_value = value
If _value < 0 Then value = 0
If _value > _maxValue Then _value = _maxValue
End Method

Method X:Int()
If _vertBar Then Return _x Else Return _x - DEFAULTGADSIZE
End Method

Method Y:Int()
If _vertBar Then Return _y - DEFAULTGADSIZE Else Return _y
End Method

Method Width:Int()
If _vertBar Then Return DEFAULTGADSIZE Else Return _width + (DEFAULTGADSIZE * 2)
End Method

Method Height:Int()
If _vertBar Then Return _height + (DEFAULTGADSIZE * 2) Else Return DEFAULTGADSIZE
End Method

End Type


Type GUI_DropDown Extends GUI_Properties

Field _itemList:TIntMap ':tTreeMap < Int, String > 'IntMap<String>
Field _pressed%
Field _listLineHeight:Int = 18
Field _showListAbove%

Method new()
_itemList = New TIntMap 'tTreeMap < Int, String >
End Method

Method Create (x:Int, y:Int, width:Int)
_x = x
_y = y
_width = width
_id = SetGadgetID()
End Method

Method Render ()
If _hidden = True Then Return
Shape.DropDown(Self, 0)
If _pressed Then Shape.DropDown(Self, 1)
End Method

Method Update%()
If _enabled = False Or _hidden = True Then Return False
If SelectedGadgetID = 0
If MouseOverGadget() And MouseHit(MOUSE_LEFT) Then SelectedGadgetID = _id
ElseIf SelectedGadgetID = _id
If MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) And MouseOverGadget()
_pressed = True
_showListAbove = False
If (_y + _height) + (MapCount(_itemList) * _listLineHeight) > VirtualResolutionWidth() Then _showListAbove = True
ElseIf NOT MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT)
SelectedGadgetID = 0
_pressed = False
If _showListAbove
_index = ((MouseY() - _y) + (MapCount(_itemList) * _listLineHeight)) / _listLineHeight
_index = (MouseY() - (_y + _height)) / _listLineHeight
If _index < 0 Then _index = 0
If _index >= MapCount(_itemList) Then _index = (MapCount(_itemList) - 1)
End Method

Method AddItem (text:String)
_itemList.Insert(MapCount(_itemList) + 1, text)
End Method

Method ReplaceItem (index:Int, new_text:String)
If Index > (MapCount(_itemList) - 1) Or Index < 0 Then Print("!ReplaceItemERROR") ; Return
_itemList.Insert (Index + 1, new_text)
End Method

Method RemoveItem (index:Int)
If Index > (MapCount(_itemList) - 1) Or Index < 0 Then Print("!RemoveItemERROR") ; Return
Local list:String[MapCount(_itemList)]
Local count:Int
For Local a:Int = 0 Until list.Length
If a <> index
list[Count] = String(_itemList.ValueForKey(a + 1))
count = count + 1
End If
For Local a:Int = 0 Until list.Length - 1
If _index > (MapCount(_itemList) - 1) Then SetIndex(0)
End Method

Method RemoveAll ()
End Method

Method SetIndex (Index%) ; _index = Index; End Method

Method GetIndex:Int(); Return _index; End Method

Method GetText:String() ; Return String(_itemList.ValueForKey (_index + 1)) ; End Method

End Type


Type GUI_CheckBox Extends GUI_Properties

Method Create (x:Int, y:Int, label:String = "", width:Int = DEFAULTGADSIZE)
If label.Length > 0
_label = StrMid(label, 1, ( (width - DEFAULTGADSIZE) / _textWidth) - 1)
If width <= (DEFAULTGADSIZE*2) Then _label = ""
_x = x
_y = y
_id = SetGadgetID()
End Method

Method Render ()
If _hidden = True Then Return
End Method

Method Update%()
If _enabled = False Or _hidden = True Then Return False
If SelectedGadgetID = 0
If MouseOverGadget() And MouseHit(MOUSE_LEFT)
If _state = 0 Then _state = 1 Else _state = 0
End Method

Method SetState (state:Int); _state = state; End Method

Method GetState:Int(); Return _state; End Method

Method X:Int(); Return _x; End Method

Method Width:Int()
If _label.Length = 0 Return _width
Return _width + TextWidth(_label) + _textWidth + 4
End Method
End Type


Type GUI_ListBox Extends GUI_Properties

Field _itemList:TIntMap  ':tTreeMap < Int, String > 'New IntMap<String>
Field _listLineHeight:Int = 18
Field _slider:GUI_Slider = New GUI_Slider
Field _visableItemCount:Int
Field _listOffset:Int
Field _selectedIndex:Int

method new()
_itemList = New TIntMap'tTreemap < Int, String >
end method

Method Create (x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int)
_x = x
_y = y
_width = width - DEFAULTGADSIZE
_height = height
_id = SetGadgetID()
_slider.Create(_x + _width, _y, _height, 0)
End Method

Method Render ()
If _hidden = True Then Return
End Method

Method Update%()
If _enabled = False Or _hidden = True Then Return False
If SelectedGadgetID = 0
If MouseOverGadget() And MouseHit(MOUSE_LEFT)
_index = ( (MouseY() - (_y)) / _listLineHeight)
If _index < 0 Then _index = 0
If _index >= _visableItemCount Then _index = _visableItemCount - 1
If _index >= MapCount(_itemList) Then _index = MapCount(_itemList) - 1
_selectedIndex = _index + _listOffset
_listOffset = _slider.GetValue
End Method

Method AddItem (text:String)
_itemList.Insert(MapCount(_itemList) + 1, text)
_visableItemCount = _height / _listLineHeight
_slider.Create(_x + _width, _y, _height, MapCount(_itemList) - _visableItemCount)
_listOffset = 0
End Method

Method ReplaceItem (index:Int, new_text:String)
If Index > (MapCount(_itemList) - 1) Or Index < 0 Then Print "!ReplaceItemERROR"; Return
_itemList.Insert(Index + 1, new_text)
End Method

Method RemoveAll ()
_index = 0
_selectedIndex = 0
_visableItemCount = 0
_listOffset = 0
_slider.Create(_x + _width, _y, _height, 0)
End Method

Method RemoveItem (index:Int)
If Index > (MapCount(_itemList) - 1) Or Index < 0 Then Print "!RemoveItemERROR"; Return
Local list:String[MapCount(_itemList)]
Local count:Int
For Local a:Int = 0 Until list.Length
If a <> index
list[Count] = String(_itemList.ValueForKey(a + 1))
Count = Count + 1
End If
For Local a:Int = 0 Until list.Length - 1
_index = 0
_selectedIndex = 0
_listOffset = 0
If MapCount(_itemList) - _visableItemCount <= 0 Then _slider.Create(_x + _width, _y, _height, 0)
End Method

Method GetIndex:Int(); Return _selectedIndex; End Method

Method GetText:String() ; Return String(_itemList.ValueForKey(_selectedIndex + 1)) ; End Method

Method X:Int(); Return _x; End Method

Method Width:Int() Return _width + DEFAULTGADSIZE; End Method
End Type


Type GUI_Label Extends GUI_Properties
Method Create (x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, text:String = "")
_x = x
_y = y
_width = width
_id = SetGadgetID()
_text = text
End Method

Method Render ()
If _hidden = True Then Return
Shape.DrawLabel(StrMid(_text, 1, _width / _textWidth), _x, _y, _width, _height)
End Method

Method SetText (text:String); _text = text; End Method

Method GetText:String(); Return _text; End Method

End Type

Function MapCount%(m:TIntMap)
Local c%
For Local i:Object = EachIn m.Keys
Return c
End Function