Trying to run box2d..

Started by Hardcoal, October 11, 2017, 14:54:20

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this is the start code of my program


Framework BaH.Box2d
Import brl.GLMax2D

Import "test.bmx"

Graphics 800,600, 0
SetBlend alphablend

And I get this error:

Compile Error: Can't find interface for module 'bah.box2d'
Build Error: failed to compile D:/Portable/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/box2d.mod/examples/render.bmx

I got this minGW installed
and my box2d is inside the Bah.mod ..

Im trying to build to box2d module but it doesnt work..
Im using blide..

Cheers :)

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Hey Hardcoal,

I got box2d mod working on both vanilla and NG versions so that's a bit strange on your end. Did you try building the module with the default IDE or command line?


no , i havnt.. tnx for the quick reply.. its pretty amazing how fast people answer here comparing to old blitzmax forum :)
actually ive managed to operate chipmunk pretty easy so it no longer significant to me box2d atm..

but if other people need help.. than this topic is now opened..

Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


Modules should get autobuilt/compiled if you use Brucey's BMK.



I Do :)  but still.. Or at least I think I do :(
I always use Brucey'sstuff.. Im a Brucey Fan
Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


Quote from: Hardcoal on October 11, 2017, 15:18:51
no , i havnt.. tnx for the quick reply.. its pretty amazing how fast people answer here comparing to old blitzmax forum :)
actually ive managed to operate chipmunk pretty easy so it no longer significant to me box2d atm..

but if other people need help.. than this topic is now opened..

Sure thing.  :) Yes, chipmunk is a nice module too.


I'm currently working on making chipmunk simpler to use..
Its always surprises me how they complicate matters that should be simple..

In a 3D physics engine its much clearer than in 2D Engine which expected to be simpler..

For a New User the chipmunk and the box2d looks like a one big mess of confusion
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Seems like chipmunk does not support concave shapes.. is that true?
Im new at chipmunk so im not certain..

If I cant do concave none static shapes than its no good for me..

Update..: Ok Ive read that Chipmunk does no support concave shapes..
I will have to bypass it somehow..
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Quote from: Hardcoal on October 13, 2017, 03:44:31
Seems like chipmunk does not support concave shapes.. is that true?
Im new at chipmunk so im not certain..

If I cant do concave none static shapes than its no good for me..

Update..: Ok Ive read that Chipmunk does no support concave shapes..
I will have to bypass it somehow..

I think you should give box2d again a try. Perhaps you have downloaded the latest version on GitHub which is for NG only and if you're using vanilla, you need to go back one commit before the NG update which is here or see attached zip file for quick download.

Hope that helps.


I did downloaded the latest version.. I didnt know its only for NG..
All Im trying to do is a little experiment.. on a process of Evolution that I had in mind..
But this info you just gave me explains what I Couldn't run Box2D.

I know how to rather easily create a concave shape for Chipmunk..  So will see

maybe you can share a link for Box2D for Blitzmax?
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Yes, I already did. :) See the above attachment link or click here:;topic=3519.0;attach=315

I packaged the sources up because you have to download or clone all bah modules which is not necessary. If you would like to download the full bah repo with that particular commit for box2d, I also posted the link above or click here:

and just copy only the box2d folder.


great Ron.. I thank you very much :)
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sorry. still doesnt work.. :(
ill try later again..

I put the box2d.mod inside the bah.mod..

i tried to build the module and it gave an error ..

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Quote from: Hardcoal on October 14, 2017, 02:48:46
sorry. still doesnt work.. :(
ill try later again..

I put the box2d.mod inside the bah.mod..

i tried to build the module and it gave an error ..

Hey Hardcoal, That's really weird. I could only think of probably do another separate fresh install of Blitzmax (official installer) and try it again.


sure bud.. tnx.. now its not so important to me atm.. but i will try :)
Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]