Tasks Terminator

Started by Hardcoal, December 03, 2024, 20:02:03

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A little app that saves you looking for annoying tasks that you want to close in the windows confusing task manager.
as a programmer, when i use createprocess command.. sometimes the process remains in the system.
and its stupidly annoying to look for them in the task manager.. because it keeps jumping..
they didnt bother to add Search.. for some reason..

Anyways this app list mostly the not system related running Tasks.. [Tasks with a Window HWND]
And by pressing Terminate, you terminate the Task.

Hope it helps anyone ..

There were some annoying issues i didn't manage to solve!
like when they help window is open and i press close button, it will end the App instead of folding it to the Task Bar.
I thought it will take me faster to make this Crap.. but i got stuck on stupid technical matters .. Related to MaxGui Mostly.

This is a Fast release. so minor bugs may occur 

download link:    Tasks Terminator by Hardcoal

Happy Christmas 
Things I've done:   https://itch.io/profile/hardcoal  [I keep improving them btw]


If you could make it show the open files in each process it would be priceless


Things I've done:   https://itch.io/profile/hardcoal  [I keep improving them btw]


Btw, the windows task manager keeps jumping when it is set to sort the display on the CPU usage.

If you click on the "name", it should not jump ...

And a hint that not everyone may know: If you press (and hold) CTRL (STRG) in the task manager, it will pause the display.

Btw, there is a nice task manager replacement from Sysinternals (now microsoft sysinternals).
It will, as well, display the opened DLLs and Handles.

On the same site you can find the "Process Monitor" which will display whatever a program is doing - e.g. which files it is accessing, opening, writing to ... etc etc etc
65536 GOTO Back2Basic


This is my alpha version of this project
Im already working on improvements..
I wasn't sure what there out there, and i wanted to see if i can do it anyways,
And i needed something simple for myself
 I've already found things that needs improvements..

The problem with task manager is it's if they seem not to care about the simple user..
As if they want to keep it annoying and complicated..
And i also don't like when you press ctrl alt delete they bring you this blank menu screen
Instead of instantly jumping to the task manager..
I bet their are shortcuts for everything. But we just don't know them and won't bother to Google..
I didn't intend to make a task manager replacement or so,
But things sometimes rolls onto unexpected directions..
I also might make an app for various little things we need.
Like an army knife of mini actions..

I guess It's always good to learn something new
Things I've done:   https://itch.io/profile/hardcoal  [I keep improving them btw]


Yes, an army knife of mini actions. That is something that i'm making as well, well mostly for myself (the sourcecode of it is on the autoit forums, tho)

I found it easier to program such things in AutoIt (which has very good documentation) than in blitmax (of which i know almost nothing).
The only downside to the compiled Autoit executables is that it may get flagged by the Virus scanners ... even tho the source code is totally clean.
65536 GOTO Back2Basic


Im checking this autoit..

BTW ive made a mistake in my TaskTerminator App.. it displays not the tasks names but  its  App Titles
now i found how to get the real task name.. it wasnt easy for me because im not familiar with byte ptr and all this definitions..
but I've managed to decipher how to do it.
so now you have an option whether to see the app title or the Task name
Things I've done:   https://itch.io/profile/hardcoal  [I keep improving them btw]


Here is an Update..
Now you can see the real Task Name
And I added Show All Tasks.. and More To come..


Things I've done:   https://itch.io/profile/hardcoal  [I keep improving them btw]


Here is an autoIt3 code, which i used to place (compiled) on the taskbar, just in case something goes wrong with the blitz3d code, to quickly end all of the blitzcc instances:

    Local $aProcessList = ProcessList("blitzcc.exe")
    For $i = 1 To $aProcessList[0][0]
ProcessClose ($aProcessList[$i][1])

If you manage to overlook the fact that autoit variables all start with $ and their type can change whenever you want them ... ( and arrays are those in [][] ) ... it becomes really fun to make some gui based applications.
65536 GOTO Back2Basic


Cool.. and by the way im using blitzmax not blitz3D  ;D
Things I've done:   https://itch.io/profile/hardcoal  [I keep improving them btw]


Quote from: Hardcoal on December 05, 2024, 09:08:58Cool.. and by the way im using blitzmax not blitz3D  ;D
I thought you where trying BlitzmaxNG it is faster!

Running a PC that just Aint fast enough!? i7 4Ghz Quad core 32GB ram  2x1TB SSD and NVIDIA Quadro K1200 on 2 x HP Z24's . DID Technology stop! Or have we been assimulated!

Windows10, Parrot OS, Raspberry Pi Black Edition! , ZX Spectrum 48k, C64, Enterprise 128K, The SID chip. Im Misunderstood!


:)) i need an editor for that. i tried to install it on VS COde and it aint working
i dont need faster lol it works fine with normal Blitzmax..

I once began using NG and i will but as soon as i can set up blide separately. for it.. im not going to work with the basic IDE of the Language ..
if anyone knows how to install two separate blide versions so one will be dedicated to NG than it will be possible.

i will need to convert all of my libs to NG which does not sound tempting.

Baggey thanks for being persistent , eventually ill do what ill find is the right thing to do :)

I bet when ill move TO NG ill be happy though.

I just found out that i got a blitzng setup already made..
so im trying it.. but generally speaking
i dont have power or time to move from language to language.

i have other things in life to besides coding..

you will never get results if you keep messing with moving

I remember moving from blitz3D was not easy but it was a blessing
Things I've done:   https://itch.io/profile/hardcoal  [I keep improving them btw]


Quotei have other things in life to besides coding..
What else could there be apart from Coding and Ladies :-X

Quoteyou will never get results if you keep messing with moving
In the early days i tried everything. Thats why i stick with BlitzmaxNG now :D It's compariable to C and a lot easier to use.

I am dabbling with pascal though.

Kind Regards Baggey
Running a PC that just Aint fast enough!? i7 4Ghz Quad core 32GB ram  2x1TB SSD and NVIDIA Quadro K1200 on 2 x HP Z24's . DID Technology stop! Or have we been assimulated!

Windows10, Parrot OS, Raspberry Pi Black Edition! , ZX Spectrum 48k, C64, Enterprise 128K, The SID chip. Im Misunderstood!