Stupid thing in xorsd3d /maybe b3d too that concerns Image

Started by Hardcoal, November 06, 2019, 15:19:38

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Ive made yesterday a png image combiner.. it take single png images and makes them one long strip image for animation purpose.

The thing is that when i create an empty image and if the image is bigger than the screen resolution, when i draw on it the single pngs, if it passes the screen resolution it wont draw.
so the outcome depands on the resolution i set up to the app..

For example if i did xgraphics (800,600) and the target image is 1200,100 it will not draw on it from point x800 and above.

anyway  i can live with that.. but its kinda unelegent..

just wanted to share this. if anyone has a solution..

Import xorsteam.xors3d

Include "../../mylibs/Fileissues.bmx"
Include "../../mylibs/stringissues.bmx"

Global Strng:StringCommands_Class = New StringCommands_Class
Global FC:FileCommands_Class = New FileCommands_Class

xSetEngineSetting("Splash::TilingTime", "0")
xSetEngineSetting("Splash::AfterTilingTime", "0")

xGraphics3D (3500, 1000, 32, False, True)


Global PNGURL:String = RequestDir("Choose a Folder")

Global FilesList:TList = FC.ReadDirectory(PNGURL)


If FilesList.Count() = 0 Then Quit("List is Empty")

Local NewImage = BuildNewImage(FilesList, PNGURL)

  If NewImage = 0 Then Quit("New Image was not Created")
  xSaveImage(NewImage, PNGURL + "../" + "NewPng.apng")

While Not xKeyHit(1) Or xWinMessage("WM_CLOSE")


xDrawImage(NewImage, 10, 10)


Function Quit(Reason:String = "")
Notify "Quiting " + Reason
End Function

Function BuildNewImage(ImagesFilesList:TList, URL:String, WantedSize:Float = 50, DrawRects = False)
Local TempImage, FileName:String, Counter
Local NewImage = xCreateImage(WantedSize * ImagesFilesList.Count(), WantedSize)


For FileName = EachIn ImagesFilesList

TempImage = xLoadImage(URL + FileName)

If TempImage = 0 Then Quit("TempImage is Null")

    xResizeImage(TempImage, WantedSize, WantedSize)

xDrawImage(TempImage, Counter * WantedSize, 0)

If DrawRects Then xRect(Counter * WantedSize, 0, WantedSize, WantedSize)

Counter = Counter + 1


If DrawRects Then xRect(0, 0, WantedSize * ImagesFilesList.Count() - 1, WantedSize - 1)


Return NewImage
End Function

'Need to fit the size according to number of frame vs secreen width resolution.

all is left to me is to find a way to upload a gif so i can turn it onto a png for my editor.
since i have  problams with freeimage and so, im using external program to turn gif ont o single png images


My framework contains a little helper for such stuff:

Function DrawImageOnImage:int(src:object, dest:object, x:Int, y:Int, modifyColor:TColor = null, drawMode:int=0)

So in essence:
target = CreatePixmap(width, height, format)
ClearPixels(target, 0)

DrawImageOnImge(mysprite, target, 0, 0)

SavePixmapPNG(target, ...)

The whole thing is using software only, so no texture size limit - except for the amount of memory available on the Computer (or for a 32bit build ... the 32bit ;D)



lol ok man, i think i have enough memory since the commodore 64,
Ill give it a try.

but like i said , my main problem remains, to load Gif files.

btw can you explain me how to download from github? i dont understand its concept, why there is no [download file] button
I did Edit object and than copied the whole text.. that the only way i found to get it


For such sourcefiles here:

For complete files/repositories:
- click on "clone or download" (green button)
- click on "download" -> is downloaded

- to download a specific version state you can - eg. - select one from the "commits" (hit commit in the nav bar) and then hit the "< >" button and you will land on a similar page as above with the green button for downloads



Wow.. you really put an effort, i cant ask more than that

Thanks  ;D