Latest BlitzMax with wx mod for Windows

Started by Henri, March 12, 2023, 12:28:01

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The D3d11max2d module compiled but all my old render to image functions were broken. Maybe they need to be updated too.
I use the old renderimage.bmx and it is incompatible.

The  renderimage.bmx loads and other source code files that are incompatible with the new version of Direct X of Blitzmax ng. Regardless the automated install script was downloaded ifsoGUI too and it was supposed to be updated and corrected.

do you know where do I will find the new renderimage codes that are updated with the Blitzmax ng?
Thank you :)

I discovered and the ifsoGui module is incompatible with the new version of Bltizmax-ng.
I will try if I will find the updated version of ifsoGui too.

Well Blitzmax NG is not ready yet. I will roll back to version 1.52 for 32Bit for now because many modules have issues that I do not know how to fix them.


Quote from: takis76 on March 28, 2023, 19:17:32Well Blitzmax NG is not ready yet. [...] because many modules have issues that I do not know how to fix them.

I am coding with NG only for years now. I only use the basic modules (basic in the sense of the stuff Brucey added - not just brl and pub.mod :)).

Render2Texture is included for brl.d3d9max2d, brl.glmax2d, sdl.gl2sdlmax2d, ... so all officially provided backends except for "directx 7".
It does not need any external renderimage.bmx

As Col and I were the ones who brought the render2image stuff into the official NG repos I am not sure why @col did not adjust srs.mod too - Maybe we should create a PR to make DX11 a "brl.mod"-module.
I need to mention that it might not be the best idea to bring in a new backend as the "sdl.mod/sdlrendermax2d.mod" backend would already play well with GL, DX, ... and if configured accordingly (means also uses a new enough MinGW/GCC) also works with DX11, metal, ... and so our render2image would work too.



Hi Takis,

I tested IfsoGUI in the newly created BlitzmaxNG environment and it seemed to work.

First I downloaded Ifso GUI mod here

Then I opened example ifsoGUIEx1.bmx from example folder and tried to run, but there was on error 'Can't find interface for koriolis.zipstream.mod'. This means that I needed koriolis.mod as well, which I downloaded from . Note that every mod folder needs to end in .mod so remember to remove the .master suffix when downloading manually from Github.

After this the example run just fine. I didn't compile any modules beforehand as bmk in NG does this automatically.


Ps. I don't remember who talked about this, but you can use NG bmk in legacy version as well as its just a maketool that is backwards compatible. Just copy bmk + 3 files that end in .bmk from NG bin folder to legacy bin folder (rename the original bmk for backup).
- Got 01100011 problems, but the bit ain't 00000001