It's amazing how it all comes back to you...

Started by Amon, February 27, 2023, 11:12:14

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I've parted with the idea of transferring my project to Cerberus and MiniB3D and the reason for that is that BlitzMaxNG is pretty cool. I'm getting back into the old flow and I'm finding that my mindset for coding as I did with BlitzMax all those years ago is starting to come back.

I'll tell you something for nothing, BlitzMax was and still is a very capable and good language to use. Using OpenB3D with it is very cool. Everything just flows now. I don't require anything like Unity, Unreal, Godot etc just something that works for small or semi large 3D projects and most importantly casual 3D games. I don't need Unity and likes for something like that.

That's all. :)


I agree Blitzmax is a very cool language.

Feel free to PM me if you run into any major issues with Openb3d or even better post a bug report to the Github repository.

Naughty Alien there any library for BMAXNG for serial communication??


Quote from: Naughty Alien on February 28, 2023, there any library for BMAXNG for serial communication??

If it does not work with _current_ NG, then raise an issue so it can be tackled.

I used it some (!) time ago and then it worked but ymmv.


Naughty Alien

..ill download and give it a im wondering, is there OpenStreetMaps library for Ng? I couldnt find anything online..