Finally Finished My C64 Conversion Of MicroRhythm

Started by wadmixfm, August 17, 2024, 13:23:52

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Hello again peeps

Well after a few little weeks i have finally finished my c64 Conversion of MicroRhythm

I have compiled 2 versions

1 for windows 64bit

1 For Mac High Sierra + (last tested on Catalina 10.15.7 ) works a treat

In the install , i have included the following

Documentation to get you going (Pdf Format)

The main program

And a Drum Kit Info Creator

Please read the documentation before going nose diving into the program

**** Please Install To The Pre defined Path set out by the installer ****

windows it should be  C:\Users\Public\MicroRhythm\

Mac it should be \Applications\MicroRhythm\

The original concept was created by Simon Pick 1986(c) via the Firebird 199 range

The new version has a few more extra bits

There are a few drumkits in there

Kits are :
Standard       - This loads at startup 
Lindrum1       - 80s Drum module (human league drums )
Casio Rz1      - 80s Drum machine
Yamaha QY10 - 90s Music Station Drum Samples
Boss220        - 80s Drum Computer (one of the first)
Roland Tr808  - 80s Drum machine
Roland Tr909  - 90s Drum Machine
Yamaha RX21  - 80s Drum Machine
Pearl Kit          - 90s Real Drums
SpecDrum       - 80s All 4 Kits in 2 files Standard , AfroKit , ElectroKit , LatinKit

Give it a try

And please post any comments or any bugs that you find

And yes i know what ya thinking why bother with this when there are sooooo many drum machine softwares about

well its plain and simple , its because i wrote this in basic and it was great doing it and its for nostalgic purposes
to show what we were really up against back in the day.

i was talking to a friend the other day about DAWS Sequencers etc.... and he said i wish someone would write a sequencer
like Sequencer one for the Atari St and bring it up to the modern day hardware but with the ease when you could just start
the program hit a keyboard and write a song ,none of this modelling sounds getting it how you wanted to sound which can take
for hours and by that time your idea for a song had gone.

Glory days


Here is the link for windows - 

See Post 2

enjoy :)

Yes its really me :)


Hi Lee.

The Download limit has already been exceeded :-X I would very much like to try it! ;)

Kind Regards Lee
Running a PC that just Aint fast enough!? i7 4Ghz Quad core 32GB ram  2x1TB SSD and NVIDIA Quadro K1200 on 2 x HP Z24's . DID Technology stop! Or have we been assimulated!

Windows10, Parrot OS, Raspberry Pi Black Edition! , ZX Spectrum 48k, C64, Enterprise 128K, The SID chip. Im Misunderstood!


Hi Baggey yes bublup is very limited for the day :(

here is an alternative link :)


MicroRyhthm windows

for Mac User (This was created on Catalina) please give it a try on higher systems and let me know

MicroRhythm Mac


Yes its really me :)


if anyone has tried it , could you please give me some feedback

i can take criticism and positives



Yes its really me :)


I have tried the first version. And it didn't naturally feel easy to use. Where do i go with it? But i haven't read any of the readme files? :-[

Are there files SID files that you can just load in and listen to and edit!? I mean experiment with.

I will try the second version and see how i get on with that.

By no means is this negative. Creating C64 stuff that is SID related is far out there KUDOS!

Kind Regards Baggey
Running a PC that just Aint fast enough!? i7 4Ghz Quad core 32GB ram  2x1TB SSD and NVIDIA Quadro K1200 on 2 x HP Z24's . DID Technology stop! Or have we been assimulated!

Windows10, Parrot OS, Raspberry Pi Black Edition! , ZX Spectrum 48k, C64, Enterprise 128K, The SID chip. Im Misunderstood!


ok this is a remake of the c64 app mate

when the app starts

press F2

then you will be in song write mode

then press Right CTRL to load a song

pick one of the songs

it will go back to the song write mode

press S

if you have used Microrhythm on the 64 you should be ok with it

the document i have made explains it all

Yes its really me :)


to create patterns

you need to be in bar write mode which is what the program starts up in

all you need to do in this mode is

press 1 - 0 or


To enter the sounds into the lines above

using the cursors left n right to move the cursor and cursor up and down to change line

when you have created the pattern

play it with S and S to stop

to load a kit

in bar write mode press L

then left click a kit folder and then click open

and then it will load that kit in

create your song with this kit

and then in song write mode you can scroll though the patterns by pressing page up and down and then press enter to add to the song edit

at the end then press 'hash' to enter ST at the end of the song sequence

this will stop the song


Yes its really me :)


This is a drum machine mate

this is not a SID player

load a demo and play it :)

its not that hard

if you get stuck press the home key for the complete key set for both modes


i will be making a video soon too :)

Yes its really me :)


Oh dear i have just found a little bug in the Mac version

it works but when you save a song it shuts off

i think i haven't deleted a end command when i was testing it

it will be fixed :)

we all make mistakes


Yes its really me :)


found out the problem when i created the self extracting pkg for the mac it set the writes to not access the folder when saving to the directory , this created a Null path and the program terminated

windows version is fine but will sort the mac one out and for now i have removed it from the download :(

Yes its really me :)


Quote from: Baggey on August 21, 2024, 18:03:01I have tried the first version. And it didn't naturally feel easy to use. Where do i go with it? But i haven't read any of the readme files? :-[

Are there files SID files that you can just load in and listen to and edit!? I mean experiment with.

I will try the second version and see how i get on with that.

By no means is this negative. Creating C64 stuff that is SID related is far out there KUDOS!

Kind Regards Baggey
hehe well mate try running the vice emulator and download the d64 of microrhythm and then tell its easy or not because on the 64 original there was no key page so you can reference to it all you had was a tape cover with the smallest print ever lol

and as you know in the days of the 64 there were no mice it was all keys and in the original there are a lot


Yes its really me :)


also you mentioned the 2nd version hmmmm they are the same lol just for windows and for mac

but remember the mac version has a fault now !!!!! which i am sorting

Yes its really me :)


There we go

all fixed now for mac users , i did not set the folders to read/write so it was causing an error when trying to write the files ::)

here is the link for the New Mac version

MicroRhythm 64 Mac


P.s I will create a small video to get you going if your stuck :)
Yes its really me :)


here is a little long video to get you going :)

please bear with me as i am not a video producer or narrator :)

hope it helps

Yes its really me :)


1 thing i must point out , yes there is a bug with the ST auto insertion :)

if you create a new song it works fine but if you load one in and edit it , it thinks there is one there still (eek) oh well easy fix

2nd thing i will be working on the filename aspect for the sounds as long as the user put each filename in order like

01 blablabla.ogg

i will get it to check the length of the file and capture the first 2 letters after the numbers :)

that was the long filenames wont make a difference :)

he says ........


Yes its really me :)