Create Serial Dir

Started by Hardcoal, August 11, 2024, 19:50:53

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Im not sure if it exists on Blitzmax or not, but when I tried to create a Chain of Dirs, It didnt work.
I mean Lets say you want to create in C: Drive This following Directories..    C:/Quake/Maps/User/
Now If Quake dir doest not exist.. it wont Create Maps And users.. Right? 

Well anyways.. I Hope im not making a fool of myself and theirs already a command like this, But this following Function Will Create the Chain of Desired Dirs..

Method CreateSerialDir(SerialDir:String)   'Example CreateSerialDir("C:\Users\User\Desktop\Test\Banana\Moshe\Apple\")
'This Creates Dir And Sub Dirs if they dont exist
Local SD:String[100], Char:String, WrdCntr 'Spaces are not Good between name and Slash.. Example:   "Banana \ Moshe\ Apple\" = [Not Good]
SerialDir = Trim(SerialDir)
If IsSlash(Right(SerialDir, 1)) = False Then SerialDir = SerialDir + "\"
For Local I = 1 To Len (SerialDir)
Char = Mid(SerialDir, I, 1)
If IsSlash(Char) Then
SD[WrdCntr] = SD[WrdCntr] + Char
WrdCntr = WrdCntr + 1
SD[WrdCntr] = SD[WrdCntr] + Char
End If

Local BuiltDir:String
For Local DAR:String = EachIn SD
If DAR.Length > 0 Then
BuiltDir = BuiltDir + DAR
If DirectoryExsists(BuiltDir) = False Then
Print BuiltDir
End If
End If

Function IsSlash(Sign:String)
If Sign = "\" Then Return True
If Sign = "/" Then Return True
End Function

Function DirectoryExsists(Dir:String)
Local TempDirHandle
TempDirHandle = ReadDir(Dir)
If TempDirHandle > 0 Then
Return True
End If
End Function

End Method
Some of the things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


It should be:
CreateDir("basedir/subdir/subdir2", True)

You've got this and this modules.


I Used to recall it long time ago.. somehow it skipped my mind.. TY
Some of the things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]