Chord Displayer

Started by Hardcoal, March 26, 2023, 21:22:09

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I learnt 99% of things in my life by myself.. so please enough with this attacking attitude..
I dont force you to reply.. 
All im saying is when I asked about Try and Catch, In the past, I didnt get the appropriate explanation.

I dont always get answer to things I ask here..
and I get along so no worries.. TY
Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


I assume most of us are self-taught in many areas.
It was not an "attacking attitude" - just a reply to a lazy written "I asked but nobody answered"-style blame towards us (readers and potential answer givers).
Maybe it was not your intention to sound that way but it did (at least to me).

The same way
QuoteAll im saying is when I asked about Try and Catch, In the past, I didnt get the appropriate explanation.
sounds a bit ... demanding (in context of knowing the post before). Maybe a similar language barrier than we experience from time to time too.

google: blitzmax try catch
first hit will lead you to:



Ok. sorry.

I have zero complaints, toward any of you guys.
That things was years ago.. and not on this forum anyways/

Since I learn alone I have no one around me.
I have huge gaps in my knowledge which probably causing to do rookie errors.
that would be saved if I was in an environment of other programmers.
But ill keep doing what I can.
and some of what im doing, is rather good


Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


Don't worry, as I know you, I can handle posts like you sended it. I read more a despair than a aggression in your words.

But a adwise:
Read more carefully, what we write and react with another question if you do not understand, what we want to say. Often it is like that: On our side we think we already gave deep informations, but on your side you could not comprehend the algo. In this cases feel free to ask again and again. You can also open a PM conversation or meet us on DISCORD, where we can interact much faster.

We all have the same problems: In our real life we do not know experienced BlitzMax-Coders, where we could ask. We are alone like you. So we depend on this forum and the deep conversations, which are possible here. The aswers often come not immediately, because the expert does not understand where the problem is (for him it is no problem). Only after asking again and again does it become clear where the problem of understanding lies.

We often have the feeling, that after a post from us (derron and me) your answer often only repeats your problem, but does not respond on the code-snipplet we gave. Here we would wish to get back more "query" or "discussion".

...back from North Pole.


Thanks for the comforting words.
Yea I sometimes Skip some information you Guys post. I admit.
Since my head is filled with so many things 
but even if i dont respond properly to a post.
I go back to those post even months later, so its not in vain.
Yea discord is a good idea, ill come to visit.

but in general i do make progress in all of my coding
and the best news which i already tried to say in various places is that 
Since I realized that I dont need to work on a project inside the project code.
its becoming exponentially faster. the amount of app im gonna release and with great quality 
and faster time releases.
I only wish I thought of it 10 years ago. 
Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


Nice User interface Hardcoal :)
BLitz3D, IDEal, AGK Studio, BMax, Java Code, Cerberus
Recent Hardware: Lenovo Re-furb'd Laptop
Oldest Hardware: Commodore Amiga 1200 with 1084S Monitor & Blitz Basic 2.1


Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


I'm currently engaged in three music-related projects, all aimed at developing tools. I've transitioned my programming approach to a more generalized library method, ensuring that everything I create serves as a versatile tool applicable to various projects. I'm gradually approaching the desired milestone where I'll begin crafting the unique features I envision. As for the notation app mentioned earlier, it currently accommodates only four notes per measure, but it has the potential to evolve into a more sophisticated notation editor.
Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


I just finished making Midi Data recorder.

In my track editor, midi subtracks and sample subtracks can be on the same Track..

anyways.. Im simply building  Tools so I can Use on future projects.
Ive managed to record Midi data Rather Wel..

As you can see. its the same piano on the same projects..

In my Track Editor theirs this thing called Wait Midi.. like in synthersizers.. it wont Start Recording before the first Piano Key is Pressed..

I dont understand all those foolish big companies who cannot implement this simple thing on their Apps.

Yet they are realising Version 12 13.

I also Made WaitSound.. which also works fine.

I wrote to Mixcraft company to implement it.. in the comunity forum.. but i got mocked by certain idiots.

I have strange ideas sometimes.. but none of them came  without thinking

I cant and not plan to make a full track editor.. (Its pointless)
I just want to show others that its possible and really not that hard

I will need help on Midi data managing in the future from anyone who is an expert at it,
but for now im contempt

Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


Ive added Midi Editing Ability to my music tools
Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


Working on sampler

Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


Ive just read through your thread. Keep up the good work.

I seem to of missed this as im interested in how to code sound, Digitally.

I feel your words. I to have worked on a project for many years on and off. Creating Emulators.

I am guilty of hitting a problem with my code through lack of knowledge of Explanations available to me. When using a search engine to find how to use a certain function dosen't always come easy to me. I need worked examples so i can learn through trial and error before the penny drops! Sadly BlitzmaxNG dosent have enough good worked examples. But it is a very quick and powerful Program.

Dont give up this is looking awesome. ;)

Ive learnt that sometimes when i go round in circles with an error in my code. The best thing is leave it for a day or so and go back.

I may hit the same hurdle but im fresh. Or sometimes i find a really silly mistake. :-[

Kind Regards Baggey
Running a PC that just Aint fast enough!? i7 4Ghz Quad core 32GB ram  2x1TB SSD and NVIDIA Quadro K1200 on 2 x HP Z24's . DID Technology stop! Or have we been assimulated!

Windows10, Parrot OS, Raspberry Pi Black Edition! , ZX Spectrum 48k, C64, Enterprise 128K, The SID chip. Im Misunderstood!


I would love helping you if needed..

took me years to develop a method of work (and still its not perfect)
If you get messed up with your overloaded code that means 
something is wrong.. and instead of enjoying coding you suffer..
were not supposed to suffer when coding (or it least not too much)

TY for the kind words.. it cheers me.
I work on many projects at once, this is only one of them.

this track Editor is actually not my target goal,  I use it as a playground
I intend to make small apps, so if it works on the big scale, on the small scale it will be a piece of cake.

Emulators are cool! 

we need to share more resources for the community so we can help one other and actually create really amazing things.

I want to create a certain frame work that will be common to whole Blitzmax users .. and when we have that, we can each develop something and share it with others.

so we need a certain Type Extender and some framework engine that is common.
I already made such thing but its still not 100%
When/If ill find the perfect formula I will share it

Keep up the good work, what you do is appreciated and your struggle is not in vain

Things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


Hi hardcoal

Isn't that supposed to say arpeggiostyle ??

Yes its really me :)