Build NG "MaxIDE.exe" for x64

Started by _PJ_, December 10, 2024, 12:38:25

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I downloaded the latest "weekly build" version of NG and it contained a MaxIDE executable, but this appeared to be x86 version.
How should I build an x64 Windwos version from the src/maxide contents?


opening up maxide and in there open source/maxide/maxide.bmx

Tell maxide to build a 64 bit build.
It might execute the 32bit binaries bmk and bcc... which you can execute from commandline too (bmk.exe makeapp -g x64 -t gui path/to/maxide.bmx)

I do not know of Windows 64bit builds which are not capable of running 32bit binaries - maybe some XP version of 2001 (not the professional edition) might have issues ... dunno. But i thought they all ship Windows-32-on-Windows-64 (WOW64).
This is btw the reason why the Windows builds provide only a 32bit MaxIDE ...



Thanks for the super-fast answer Ron!

Quoteopening up maxide and in there open source/maxide/maxide.bmx
Tell maxide to build a 64 bit build.
It might execute the 32bit binaries bmk and bcc... which you can execute from commandline too (bmk.exe makeapp -g x64 -t gui path/to/maxide.bmx)
Perfect, it felt a little too simple so I thought I'd check!
QuoteI do not know of Windows 64bit builds which are not capable of running 32bit binaries - maybe some XP version of 2001 (not the professional edition) might have issues ... dunno. But i thought they all ship Windows-32-on-Windows-64 (WOW64).
This is btw the reason why the Windows builds provide only a 32bit MaxIDE ...

Yes, SysWoW is on my (Windows10) - and the 32-bit version opens and operates fine - I was just concerned about the IDE ability to compile for 64-bit targets if maybe some Double or Long values might be problematic etc. _-- jsut for my peace of mind, I want to ensure everything is in 64-bit