BlitzmaxNG hanging on zipstream

Started by Ashmoor, July 18, 2020, 22:38:09

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The following code makes BlitzmaxNG hand indefinitely:

Code (blitzmax) Select

Import koriolis.zipstream

Local mmTune:TSound = LoadSound("ZIP::music/"+"example.ogg")

If mmTune=Null Then RuntimeError "can't load music"

Am I doing something wrong or is there something wrong with loading a 1mb ogg? I noticed that incbin does not work with NG always leading to out of memory errors when building.

The code above builds and output says "executing: zip test.exe" and just hangs. Is this an NG issue?

Can you guys give me an example of loading an ogg from a zip file?


It is not hanging on the zipstream but on loading the OGG from the stream.

I created a file "ogg_incbin.bmx" with the following code:
Code (Blitzmax) Select


Framework Brl.StandardIO
Import Brl.Audio 'TSound
Import Brl.OggLoader 'to decode OGG
Import koriolis.zipstream 'to load/stream zips
Import Brl.TextStream

Incbin ""

Local source:String = LoadText("")
print "source: " + source

Local mmTune:TSound = LoadSound(""+"example.ogg")

If mmTune=Null Then Throw "can't load music"

print "loaded sound"

Within "" I placed the source code itself and an example.ogg file - the text is printed properly but it stucks on the LoadSound() command.

Edit - loading an incbinned ogg fails too (might need another import to work or so):

Incbin "example.ogg"

Local incbinTune:TSound = LoadSound("incbin::example.ogg")
if incbinTune then print "loaded incbinned tune"
if not incbinTune then print "failed loading incbinned tune"

This is because I use the "framework" - and to make the direct incbin load work here, I need to add "Import Brl.RamStream" too. Then it loads the incbinned ogg directly.



Code (Blitzmax) Select


Framework Brl.StandardIO
Import Brl.Audio 'TSound
Import Brl.OggLoader 'to decode OGG
Import koriolis.zipstream 'to load/stream zips
'Import Brl.TextStream 'if you load a sample text file
Import Brl.RamStream

Incbin ""
Incbin "example.ogg"

'Local source:String = LoadText("")
'print "source: " + source

Local oggStream:TStream = ReadStream("example.ogg")
If oggStream Then Print "loaded ogg stream"
If Not oggStream Then Print "failed loading ogg stream"

Local streamTune:TSound = LoadSound( oggStream )
If streamTune Then Print "loaded sound from ogg stream"
If Not streamTune Then Print "failed loading sound from ogg stream"

Local incbinOggStream:TStream = ReadStream("incbin::example.ogg")
If incbinOggStream Then Print "loaded ogg stream from incbinned ogg file"
If Not incbinOggStream Then Print "failed loading ogg stream from incbinned ogg file"

Local incbinTune:TSound = LoadSound("incbin::example.ogg")
If incbinTune Then Print "loaded sound from incbinned ogg file"
If Not incbinTune Then Print "failed loading sound from incbinned ogg file"

'this fails
Local incbinStreamTune:TSound = LoadSound( incbinOggStream )
If incbinStreamTune Then Print "loaded sound by stream from incbinned ogg file"
If Not incbinStreamTune Then Print "failed loading sound by stream from incbinned ogg file"

Local incbinZipOggStream:TStream = ReadStream("zip?"+"example.ogg")
If incbinZipOggStream Then Print "loaded ogg stream from incbinned zip file"
If Not incbinZipOggStream Then Print "failed loading ogg stream from incbinned zip file"

'fails and STUCKS
Local incbinZipOggSound:TSound = LoadSound(incbinZipOggStream)
If incbinZipOggSound Then Print "loaded sound by stream from incbinned zip file"
If Not incbinZipOggSound Then Print "failed loading sound by stream from incbinned zip file"

'fails and STUCKS
Local incbinZipTune:TSound = LoadSound("zip?"+"example.ogg")
If incbinZipTune Then Print "loaded sound from incbinned zip file"
If Not incbinZipTune Then Print "failed loading sound from incbinned zip file"

Print "DONE."

Some test case - will raise an issue for it.



Thanks Derron.

Incbin works if you include a few small files but I have 40mb worth of game music and the compiler throws an error. Here is the code:

Code (blitzmax) Select


Framework Brl.StandardIO
Import Brl.Audio 'TSound
Import Brl.OggLoader 'to decode OGG
Import koriolis.zipstream 'to load/stream zips
'Import Brl.TextStream 'if you load a sample text file
Import Brl.RamStream

Incbin "music2/dream_on.ogg"
Incbin "music2/forest_of_f.ogg"
Incbin "music2/med1.ogg"
Incbin "music2/rom_mem.ogg"
Incbin "music2/rom_mem drums.ogg"
Incbin "music2/track1.ogg"
Incbin "music2/track2.ogg"
Incbin "music2/track3.ogg"
Incbin "music2/track4.ogg"
Incbin "music2/track5.ogg"
Incbin "music2/track6.ogg"
Incbin "music2/win_loop.ogg"

Print "all incbined"


Building incbin NG
[ 86%] Processing:incbin NG.bmx
[ 90%] Compiling:incbin NG.bmx.release.win32.x86.incbin.c
[ 95%] Compiling:incbin NG.bmx.gui.release.win32.x86.c
cc1.exe: out of memory allocating 536875007 bytes
Build Error: failed to compile (1) M:/Dropbox/Programming tests/.bmx/incbin NG.bmx.release.win32.x86.incbin.c
Process complete

I have 32Gb Ram and 64 free Gb on my system ssd.

What does the question mark do in "zip?::", does it replace "incbin::"?


"zip::" - it is of course a zip
"zip?::" - it might be a zip (at least koriolis.zipstream had both in it and I just tried it out)

The question mark is not a standard thing - at least I am not aware of it.



""zip?::" - it might be a zip (at least koriolis.zipstream had both in it and I just tried it out)"

Ok, nice.

So for incbined zip shouldn't it be
Code (blitzmax) Select

Local incbinZipOggStream:TStream = ReadStream("incbin::zip?"+"example.ogg")

Tried it, still gets stuck.


It "should" not ... but "could". So if you know it is a zip, just use "zip::" without the question mark.

But as written in the issue I raised... it fails as soon as "ogg_dec" (ogg vorbis decoder) tries to read from the provided memory stream of that zip extracted file (maybe some memory thingy).



Ok, thanks.

I wish I knew how to fix these things myself. Blitzmax is such a nice language.


While translating my BlitzMax 1.50 app to BlitzMaxNG I have the same problem in reading OGG-file with Koriolis-ZipStream (source: ) from INBIN included DATEN.ZIP.
Code (BlitzMax) Select
Function ReloadAudioSounds(SoundName$)
' path is f.e.: ""ZIP::Incbin::DATEN.ZIP//Piano0.ogg""
For Local i%=0 To 36
Print i + " " + target
SoundTyp.Audio[i]=LoadSound(DatenPfad + SoundName + i + ".ogg")
Print i + " fertig"
End Function

The App hangs without any error message while reading the first OGG file. Other file types are processed as expected.

Does someboy know, whether there is already a solution?

does somebody know whether there is a replacement, where I can add a ZIP file via INCBIN and the read the datas?

Of course I have found a (not very elegant) workaround:
Code (BlitzMax) Select
Function ReloadAudioSounds(SoundName$)
If FileExists(AppPfad + "tempSounds\" + "Piano0.ogg")=False
CreateDir AppPfad + "tempSounds"

For Local i%=0 To 36
' workaround for INCBIN OGG problem 2021-06-29

Local source$ = DatenPfad + SoundName + i + ".ogg"
Local target$ = AppPfad + "tempSounds\" + SoundName + i + ".ogg"
CopyFile source , target

Print i + " " + target
' originalzeile:
'SoundTyp.Audio[i]=LoadSound(DatenPfad + SoundName + i + ".ogg")

Print i + " fertig"
End Function
...back from North Pole.


Another strange behavoir in the context of koriolis ZipStream:

If you build your zip-file on the mac bigsur with the default finder option "Compress" the resulting ZIP-file can not be processed by koriolis zistream. As long as you build your ZIPs on Windows, f.e. with 7zip. it runs as exepected (except the ogg files, see post #8
...back from North Pole.



Brucey suggested using to mount a zip file (incbin is supported) and use it as a normal folder.

- Got 01100011 problems, but the bit ain't 00000001


Yes I read this too, but I do not understand what it mean and how to do...

Is this a suggestion for a normal user or a possible way to remove the bug in BlitzMaxNG?
...back from North Pole.


I'll see if I can check later today.

- Got 01100011 problems, but the bit ain't 00000001


I tried to explain it via the github issue already. If it works out, we could paste it to here too.
