BlitzmaxNG hanging on zipstream

Started by Ashmoor, July 18, 2020, 22:38:09

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Code (Blitzmax) Select


Framework Brl.StandardIO
Import Brl.Audio 'TSound
Import Brl.OggLoader 'to decode OGG
Import Brl.IO
Import Brl.RamStream
Import Brl.FileSystem

Incbin ""

print "MountIncBin result: " + MaxIO.Mount("", "music")
'skip the "incbin::" then
'print "MountIncBin result: " + MaxIO.MountIncbin("", "music")

'what files are now in "music" ?
local files:string[] = loaddir(currentdir()+"/music")
for local t:String=eachin files
print t

Local incbinZipOggStream:TStream = ReadStream("music/example.ogg")
If incbinZipOggStream Then Print "loaded ogg stream from incbinned zip file"
If Not incbinZipOggStream Then Print "failed loading ogg stream from incbinned zip file"

Local incbinZipOggSound:TSound = LoadSound(incbinZipOggStream)
If incbinZipOggSound Then Print "loaded sound by stream from incbinned zip file"
If Not incbinZipOggSound Then Print "failed loading sound by stream from incbinned zip file"

Local incbinZipTune:TSound = LoadSound("music/example.ogg")
If incbinZipTune Then Print "loaded sound from incbinned zip file"
If Not incbinZipTune Then Print "failed loading sound from incbinned zip file"

Print "DONE.

Give this a try.




Your code seems to run fine on windows. Thanks. Is there any way to use a password protected zip file?

Derron uses pub.physfs.

according to physfs:

- ZIP files may be password-protected. As the PkWare specs specify, each
file in the .zip may have a different password, so you call
PHYSFS_openRead(a, "file_that_i_want.txt$PASSWORD") to make it work.
Note that this is a wildly insecure way to protect your app's data, both
in how you'd have to manage passwords and that "traditional" PkWare
crypto is not really hardened anyhow. But if you have a basic
password-protected archive, PhysicsFS can get into it now!

maybe try it that way (appending "$yourpassword" to filenames which are inside the mounted zip or 7z ...)?




Seems fairly simple.

Midimaster, did you have time to test Ron's code if that solves your issues ?

- Got 01100011 problems, but the bit ain't 00000001


haven't tested it yet.

As I have to update the first three of 16 projects to BigSur as fast as possible (users are already waiting), I now use my workaround the next days, until the trouble on the hotline calmes down.

But them I would like to test it and add it to all my project. All 16 projects are using Koriolis Zipstream, so I need this professional solution.

And I will have some additional questions related to migration from BlitzMax 1.51 to BlitzMax NG. f.e. Building PDFs with Cairo does not work any more. At the moment I publish reduced versions without PDF features.

At the moment a lot of thanks to all the people supporting me. Also via E-Mails. This is a awesome community.

...back from North Pole.


Fair enough.

Can you create a separate thread for the Cairo issue and I can take a look ?

- Got 01100011 problems, but the bit ain't 00000001


of course i will start another thread... but relax... not this week...

At the moment I collect experiences with new MACs. Users reporting the behavior and I change the downloads continuously.

If you want to participate the test phase: here is a free version of Score-Trainer (app to learn notes):

known issues:
Menu-Help: The manual is not working -> App hangs DONE

of course there is also a version for Windows:

...back from North Pole.