Blitzmax exe and .bmx folders cleaner

Started by Hardcoal, January 24, 2021, 12:56:24

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This  deletes or move all .exe files and .bmx folders from a certain blitzmax project folder..

Ive got a folder which is filled with exe i dont need from earlier run tests..

Dont use it unless youre certain you want to delete or move all your exe files that you have compiled..

This app was made to decrease folder size by removing stuff that can be recompiled when needed.

but use caution if youre intending to use it.

I can make a restore/undo algorithm, but its not of my interest.. atm

maybe some of you will find it useful.

In my case I have a lot of folders in folders so it saves a lot of space

[File Removed by Hardcoal]
