AlbaLynx Gets Stuck

Started by Hardcoal, September 18, 2024, 08:36:33

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Hi. I have crashes when  i change screen resolution or if goto task manager..
seems that albalynx dont like when the the system gets frozen or something..
IVe realized the the problem is with AlbaLynx_Update() function

Im even willing to pay for anyone who can fix it

ive managed to somehow by pass this issue but i need a way to tell when the system goes to freez..
than i can just reload the program again.. but it aint an elegant good solution.

I even tried Try and Catch.. but it didnt catch the problem.

i approached the developer. hoping he will find a solution


Import xorsteam.xors3d
Import albalynx.albalynx
Import albalynx.connect_xors3d

Import maxgui.drivers

xKey("midi master :)")
xSetEngineSetting("Splash::TilingTime", "0")
xSetEngineSetting("Splash::AfterTilingTime", "0")
xGraphics3D(500, 300)

Include "../../MyLibs/MyLibs_Main.bmx"
Include "../../MyLibs/Xors3d/main.bmx"
Include "../../MyLibs/AlbaLib/Alba_Main.bmx"


Local KeepMS
Local Renew



AlbaLynx_Update()   ' <------------ the problem lies here..


If xKeyHit(xKEY_ESCAPE) Then End


Some of the things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


Maybe not call it if you receive a AppSuspended() = True or so?
Of course this does mean it wont work if your program runs "in the background" (alt-tab ...).

This aside: think we wrote about it already and I thought you meanwhile achieved to let go from albalynx or other "very outdated" DLLs.



Derron we have.. but i cant..

btw i didnt know about the command appsuspend .. worth a check
Some of the things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


who wants 100$ to make it working? :)
Some of the things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


i've tried using an if app suspend = true in my app but it never got triggered. i can test on windows/linux again once i get up to speed. it could be different for each distro?
im still interested in game app development even if its oldschool. i have ideas i want to try myself in this project if i can ever accomplish it.


even if you somehow manage somehow to catch the event before the app get stuck, i will still need to reload the app,
since when i release the albalynx engine i have to reconstruct all the Gui again,

the problem may be lie in a dll called "msvcp110.dll"  which btw has to be in the dll system folder and not in the app folder.
but it may be the albalynx.dll, im not sure..

Some of the things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


it may take a week or longer before i'm up to speed, its simple to test though. i'd be happy to work together to learn that portion. i have the same problem on my app on Linux. untested on mac i dont have one.
im still interested in game app development even if its oldschool. i have ideas i want to try myself in this project if i can ever accomplish it.


Awesome.. theirs no rush.. I can manage for now.

Its only important for the release version. it does not effect my work progress 

talk, later..
Some of the things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


okay @Hardcoal for some reason when my computer suspends i am unable to coax it to wake back up by input without a hard reboot, it could be an issue with linux or that because my computer was purchased open box (the PC and not the OS).

so it may be i cannot test app suspended

so i'll have to find why so i can work on this. i can try on windows. edit: yes i can test on windows. i think its a design feature of the manufacturer.
im still interested in game app development even if its oldschool. i have ideas i want to try myself in this project if i can ever accomplish it.


Even if you catch the App before it reaches the AlbaLynx_Update() command.. when it reaches it.. it Gets Stuck.
Some of the things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


i found that if you do this it wont get stuck..
its the Element Text that makes its stuck


Import xorsteam.xors3d
Import albalynx.albalynx
Import albalynx.connect_xors3d

Import maxgui.drivers

xSetEngineSetting("Splash::TilingTime", "0")
xSetEngineSetting("Splash::AfterTilingTime", "0")
xGraphics3D(500, 300)

Include "../../MyLibs/MyLibs_Main.bmx"
Include "../../MyLibs/Xors3d/xors_main.bmx"
Include "../../MyLibs/AlbaLib/Alba_Main.bmx"


Local FF = alCreateGButton(aldesktop, "", 10, 10, 100, 30)
alCreateGTextArea(aldesktop, "", 10, 50, 100, 10)
AlbaLynx_Update(,,, False)

'get stuck because of Text Issue


    If xKeyHit(xKEY_SPACE) Then alSetText(FF, "")

    If xKeyHit(xKEY_ESCAPE) Then End
Some of the things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


what causes the Stuck is the XFlip() when theirs an Alba element With Text..
Some of the things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


I'm sorry to read that. Same predicament could happen to me with my project. Could you work around that? Is it critical the element text?

I wanted to say I'm glad that I can chat with you all here. Some dark stuff resurfaced not in person from my past. With my project if I ever do I've thought to do what I can with the libraries and do what I can.
im still interested in game app development even if its oldschool. i have ideas i want to try myself in this project if i can ever accomplish it.


I mean lets say i do AlCreateGbutton(AlDesktop,"Play",10,10,50,30)
the app will get stuck when it Gets to Xflip() because of the "Play" Text.
If i create same element without the button name.. It wont Get Stuck.

it also applies for TextAreas and so on.

seems like a minor bug, but i didnt figure out a way to bypass pass it

plus.. im unable to capture the app using appsuspeneded() before it gets stuck..

is their another way to intercept and app before it gets stuck?

I tried Try Catch.. wont work either 
Some of the things I've done:  [I keep improving them btw]


I know like appsuspended call didn't return true when I tried it I don't know what that would allow you to do though. Is openb3d an option may be those issues wouldn't be present. Midimaster showed me you can do custom gui code in max not a module there was a sample simple ui. There's no game ui module I'm familiar with that's not broken that I know of @Hardcoal 
im still interested in game app development even if its oldschool. i have ideas i want to try myself in this project if i can ever accomplish it.