SyntaxBomb - Indie Coders

Languages & Coding => Blitz2D, BlitzPlus, Blitz3D => Topic started by: 3DzForMe on February 24, 2018, 12:57:17

Title: Sarakans awesome mesh generator
Post by: 3DzForMe on February 24, 2018, 12:57:17
Delving back into B3D briefly, with half an eye on the recent game compo, came across this little gem of code for mesh generation:

; from here:,1933.0.html

;Function CreateTerrainMesh(x,y)
;        ;x = how many horizontal vertices
;        ;y = how many vertical vertices
; mesh = CreateMesh()
; surf = CreateSurface(mesh)     
; If x < 2 Or y < 2 Then Return mesh              ;in case user gives a bad number simply return the mesh
; For tempx = 1 To x
; For tempy = 1 To y
; AddVertex(surf,tempx*4,0,tempy*4)
; Next   
; Next   
; For v0 = 0 To (x*y)-y-2
; For Z = 1 To x*y
; If v0 = z*y-1 Then v0 = v0 + 1
; Next
; v1 = V0 + 1
; v2 = v1 + y
; v3 = v0 + y
; AddTriangle(surf,v0,v1,v2)
; AddTriangle(surf,v0,v2,v3)
; Next
; Return mesh
;End Function

Graphics3D 800,600,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Global camera = CreateCamera()
Global light = CreateLight(camera)
MoveEntity camera,5,4,-6


;meshy_terrain = CreateTerrainMesh(5,7) ;<======== HERE IT IS

meshy_terrain = CreateTerrainMesh(xcount,zcount) ;<======== HERE IT IS


While Not KeyDown(1)

Text 1,1, "Arrow keys, A key, and Z key move camera"


Function PlaceBallOnEachVertex(mesh)
surface = GetSurface(mesh,1)
For temp = 0 To CountVertices(surface) - 1

tempball = CreateSphere(8)
ScaleEntity tempball,0.2,0.2,0.2
PositionEntity tempball,VertexX#(surface,temp), VertexY#(surface,temp), VertexZ#(surface,temp)
EntityColor tempball,190,0,0
EntityAlpha tempball,.4
EntityParent tempball, mesh
NameEntity tempball,"Vertex " + temp

tempimg = CreateTexture(Len(temp) * 10,15)
SetBuffer TextureBuffer(tempimg)
Text 1,1,temp
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

vert_sprite = CreateSprite()
EntityTexture vert_sprite,tempimg
PositionEntity vert_sprite,VertexX#(surface,temp), VertexY#(surface,temp)+10, VertexZ#(surface,temp),1
EntityParent vert_sprite, tempball
End Function

Function CreateTerrainMesh(x,y)
;x = how many horizontal vertices
;y = how many vertical vertices

mesh = CreateMesh()
surf = CreateSurface(mesh)
If x < 2 Or y < 2 Then Return mesh ;in case user gives a bad number simply return the mesh
For tempx = 1 To x
For tempy = 1 To y

For v0 = 0 To (x*y)-y-2
For Z = 1 To x*y
If v0 = z*y-1 Then v0 = v0 + 1
v1 = V0 + 1
v2 = v1 + y
v3 = v0 + y

Return mesh
End Function

Function Get_Input()
shift = 0
up = 0
down = 0
left_key = 0
right_key = 0
a = 0
z = 0
If KeyDown(shiftkey) = 1 Then shift = 1
If KeyDown(200) = 1 Then up = 1
If KeyDown(208) = 1 Then down = 1
If KeyDown(203) = 1 Then Left_key = 1
If KeyDown(205) = 1 Then Right_key = 1
If KeyDown(30) = 1 Then a = 1
If KeyDown(44) = 1 Then z = 1

If right_key = 1 Then MoveEntity camera,1,0,0
If left_key = 1 Then MoveEntity camera,-1,0,0
If up = 1 Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,1
If down = 1 Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,-1
If a = 1 Then MoveEntity camera,0,1,0
If z = 1 Then MoveEntity camera,0,-1,0
If KeyDown(211) Then TurnEntity camera,0,2,0
If KeyDown(209) Then TurnEntity camera,0,-2,0
End Function

Title: Re: Sarakans awesome mesh generator
Post by: RemiD on February 25, 2018, 07:44:45
so what is this supposed to do ? Build a terrain mesh ? What do you use it for ?