Blitz3D has been updated

Started by Xerra, April 13, 2024, 12:47:01

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Itch.IO update

Just click the link. Mark Sibly has done some updates to it because he's using it for his new 3d library.

I've never tried Blitz3D before. Might have a tinker if it works better with modern systems now.
M2 Pro Mac mini - 16GB 512 SSD
ACER Nitro 5 15.6" Gaming Laptop - Intel® Core™ i7, RTX 3050, 1 TB SSD
Vic 20 - 3.5k 1mhz 6502

Latest game -


I will checked it now :) thanks letting everyone Know about the New Updated :)


I wrote my first game with Blitz3D for the PC, very simple but worked good, 2D of course. It took me about 6 weeks to write in late 2017 November. I think now six years on I would do the same thing in a day I should think. If Blitz3D gets modernized I may consider using it again.
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10


@Xerra >> thanks for the info / link  :)


you might prefer to download 1.112 instead (aka another update to fix some regression)



I recall there was some "issues" post-v1.08 due to the open sourcing of B3d not being permissable with the fmod licensing or something, so fmod had to be licensed separately if you had simply downloaded the 'free' B3D

I purchased an original disc back in v.47 or so, is there anything special required concerning the freeimage and fmod libraries with the latest 112 version?


Someone asked Mark about this very thing last week (for a different reason) and he responded thus:

Quote from: Mark Sibly
QuoteBlitz3D on exists in a kind of limbo re FMOD licensing

I cleared the use of FMOD with the author before going open source with the various blitzes back in the day, and he was happy with it being included in the open source releases, in fact he was a huge help tracking down a static lib for the dll. It was I believe the last in the line FMOD3 releases and is not even available from FMOD any more, it's unique to Blitz I believe, and of course it's still closed source.

Hope that helps.
"Life's biggest obstacles are your greatest opportunities to excel"



I just tried out the latest ( v1.117 ) which apaprently no longer requires FMOD at all.

Compiled exe's work great, with the audio playing as expected without any FMOD.dll

But ... when I run the program from within the IDE, there is no sound - is there a dll I can put in Blitz3d install directory or something to be able to test sound during development?


Quote from: _PJ_ on August 24, 2024, 18:57:24I just tried out the latest ( v1.117 ) which apaprently no longer requires FMOD at all.

Compiled exe's work great, with the audio playing as expected without any FMOD.dll

But ... when I run the program from within the IDE, there is no sound - is there a dll I can put in Blitz3d install directory or something to be able to test sound during development?
I've just tried running the Hi-Toro's "Death Island" in samples, and, sound works fine here, the thunder comes in loud and clear, and when you walk, you can hear the gravel sound!

With debug mode on and off!

This is v1.117 too!

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 16Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit


Yeah, no issues here either.  Ran the same demo straight out of the extracted zip file, sound and all, debug on/off.
"Life's biggest obstacles are your greatest opportunities to excel"


Thanks, Dabz and Lo7s - At least I know it's something on my end :)

I've now tested with a bunch of other examples, and you're right, it's all working fine...
Global path$="F:\bb\B3D\Test\Media\Audio\mysound.wav"
Global CH1 = PlayMusic(path)
ChannelVolume CH1,0.85

Delay 2000
StopChannel CH1

Global SND=LoadSound(path$)
Global CH2 = PlaySound(SND)
ChannelVolume CH2,0.85

Except for this one game that I had previously made with earlier B3D version with accompanying FMOD library. In that situation neither effects nor music plays when run from within Blitz3D IDE, but when I compile the exe and run that, it's perfectly audible...

It's such a weird issue, but since this seems to be the only isolated instance I encounter, I guess it's not gonna be a huge deal!


The last update I downloaded was flagged as being infected with a virus by Microsoft Defender. Tested on TotalVirus and that also flagged it as being infected.

MSI Z77A-GD65, Intel 2500K @ 4.6Ghz, Samsung 32Gb, Samsung 840 Pro 256Gb SSD, Palit 1070 Super Jetstream, Windows 11
Lenova Legion 5 15.6", 16Gb, AMD Ryzen 7 4800H, Nividia RTX2060, Windows 11


Quote from: Reklaw on August 31, 2024, 10:39:09The last update I downloaded was flagged as being infected with a virus by Microsoft Defender. Tested on TotalVirus and that also flagged it as being infected.

Think these are generally false positives because its not done the rounds enough to be deemed fine.  Had it happen a couple of years back maself.
BLitz3D, IDEal, AGK Studio, BMax, Java Code, Cerberus
Recent Hardware: Lenovo Re-furb'd Laptop
Oldest Hardware: Commodore Amiga 1200 with 1084S Monitor & Blitz Basic 2.1


Why would there be false positives, is it really clean and secure may be past blitz affiliates with keyless or something? People used to pirate it. Heh.. I would be happy to pay my fair today. Never released anything though. My first copy I think a friend sent to me in 2002 I couldn't pay for it. I don't remember but that is beside the point I would like to know why, can Microsoft verify it? Microsoft was flagging my server or client compiled in bmx  as having a virus too. They can be hidden in source in incredible ways I know that. Though I'm sure there's an explanation. I just want a good one and for Microsoft to stop flagging my apps. I think we need to ask microsoft. May be it's detecting something not just reputation.
I'm just a mentally ill person stuck in person. I've had quite an online history and of media such as role plays with people that became movies (for real) among other things and content. I wanted to be an online famous person at one time. Unfortunately it's ill and I'm anonymous.