[bb] Run LengtRun Length En/Decoding by ozzi789 [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:43

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Title : Run LengtRun Length En/Decoding
Author : ozzi789
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Great to store big maps with many returning chars!

<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run-length_encoding" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run-length_encoding</a>

Screenshot of demo:

<a href="http://www.file-upload.net/download-4021112/OZ_RLE.exe.html" target="_blank">http://www.file-upload.net/download-4021112/OZ_RLE.exe.html</a>

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
Function RLE_ENCODE$(strng$,offset=4,marker=1)
;Reset Variables
x=0 ;Pointer for String
count=1 ;Runcount
While (x<strng_len) ;Check if we havent run through the whole string
x=x+1 ;increase pointer

cursign$= Mid(strng$,x,1) ;read char at pointer
nextsign$= Mid(strng$,x+1,1) ;read next char

If cursign$=nextsign$ ; if the current and the next sign are the smae
count=count+1 ; increase runcount
If count>=offset ; If the chars werent identic, but the runcount was bigger or same
newstrng$=newstrng$+Chr(marker)+Len(Str(count))+count ;Add coded string to marker & runcount char and runcount
Else If count>1 ; if the count of repeating chars was smaller then the offset
newstrng$=newstrng$+String(cursign$,count-1) ; just clone them into new string
count=1 ; reset count
newstrng$=newstrng+cursign$ ;add the actuall char
Return newstrng$ ;return finished string
End Function

Function RLE_DECODE$(strng$,marker=1)
x=0 ;pointer for the string
While (x=<strng_len) ;Check if we havent run through the whole string

cursign$= Mid(strng$,x,1) ;get current char
nextsign$= Mid(strng$,x+1,1) ;get next char

If cursign$=Chr(marker) ;if current char is the marker
countlenght=Int(nextsign$) ; Get the runcount char, example if its 1 the number has then lenght 1 - example 5 . if the number is 4 the number has a lenght of 4 - example 1234
count=Int(Mid(strng$,x+2,countlenght)) ; get the count via our runcount char
newstrng$=newstrng$+String(Mid(strng$,x+3+countlenght-1,1),count-1) ;Add the char
x=x+2+countlenght ; increase pointer
newstrng$=newstrng$+cursign$ ;add the original char
x=x+1 ; increase pointer
Return newstrng$ ;return string
End Function

Comments :

psychicbottle(Posted 1+ years ago)

 this is very interesting...

ozzi789(Posted 1+ years ago)

 thanks :)i use it to compress my map files of my rpg (big dims with many repeating numbers)