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Languages & Coding => Blitz Code Archives => 3D Graphics - Mesh => Topic started by: BlitzBot on June 29, 2017, 00:28:43

Title: [bb] CalculateNormals by sswift [ 1+ years ago ]
Post by: BlitzBot on June 29, 2017, 00:28:43
Title : CalculateNormals
Author : sswift
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : This function calculates both the face and vertex normals for a mesh using a method which does NOT smooth across vertcies that sit at the same location in space.  If two faces do not share a vertex, no smoothing will take place.  This allows you to more easily build levels which have sharp corners.  For exmaple, if you make a cube which has six seperate sides, with no vertcies shared between sides, this function will smooth it properly, whereas the built in function will not.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
Dim Face_NX#(32768)
Dim Face_NY#(32768)
Dim Face_NZ#(32768)

Dim Vertex_ConnectedTris(32768)
Dim Vertex_TriList(32768, 32)

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function calculates and sets the normals for a mesh.
; Should probably update this so that it can recursively loop through all of an entities children as well.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Calculate_Normals(ThisMesh)

; Loop through all surfaces of the mesh.
Surfaces = CountSurfaces(ThisMesh)
For LOOP_Surface = 1 To Surfaces

Surface_Handle = GetSurface(ThisMesh, LOOP_Surface)

; Reset the number of connected polygons for each vertex.
For LoopV = 0 To 32767
Vertex_ConnectedTris(LoopV) = 0

; Loop through all triangles in this surface of the mesh.
Tris = CountTriangles(Surface_Handle)
For LOOP_Tris = 0 To Tris-1

; Get the vertices that make up this triangle.
Vertex_0 = TriangleVertex(Surface_Handle, LOOP_Tris, 0)
Vertex_1 = TriangleVertex(Surface_Handle, LOOP_Tris, 1)
Vertex_2 = TriangleVertex(Surface_Handle, LOOP_Tris, 2)

; Adjust the number of triangles each vertex is connected to and
; store this triangle in each vertex's list of triangles it is connected to.
ConnectedTris = Vertex_ConnectedTris(Vertex_0)
Vertex_TriList(Vertex_0, ConnectedTris) = LOOP_Tris
Vertex_ConnectedTris(Vertex_0) = ConnectedTris + 1

ConnectedTris = Vertex_ConnectedTris(Vertex_1)
Vertex_TriList(Vertex_1, ConnectedTris) = LOOP_Tris
Vertex_ConnectedTris(Vertex_1) = ConnectedTris + 1

ConnectedTris = Vertex_ConnectedTris(Vertex_2)
Vertex_TriList(Vertex_2, ConnectedTris) = LOOP_Tris
Vertex_ConnectedTris(Vertex_2) = ConnectedTris + 1

; Calculate the normal for this face.

; Get the corners of this face:
Ax# = VertexX#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_0)
Ay# = VertexY#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_0)
Az# = VertexZ#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_0)

Bx# = VertexX#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_1)
By# = VertexY#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_1)
Bz# = VertexZ#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_1)

Cx# = VertexX#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_2)
Cy# = VertexY#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_2)
Cz# = VertexZ#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_2)

; Triangle 1
; Get the vectors for two edges of the triangle.
Px# = Ax#-Bx#
Py# = Ay#-By#
Pz# = Az#-Bz#

Qx# = Bx#-Cx#
Qy# = By#-Cy#
Qz# = Bz#-Cz#

; Compute their cross product.
Nx# = Py#*Qz# - Pz#*Qy#
Ny# = Pz#*Qx# - Px#*Qz#
Nz# = Px#*Qy# - Py#*Qx#

; Store the face normal.
Face_NX#(LOOP_Tris) = Nx#
Face_NY#(LOOP_Tris) = Ny#
Face_NZ#(LOOP_Tris) = Nz#


; Now that all the face normals for this surface have been calculated, calculate the vertex normals.
Vertices = CountVertices(Surface_Handle)
For LOOP_Vertices = 0 To Vertices-1

; Reset this normal.
Nx# = 0
Ny# = 0
Nz# = 0

; Add the normals of all polygons which are connected to this vertex.
Polys = Vertex_ConnectedTris(LOOP_Vertices)

For LOOP_Polys = 0 To Polys-1

ThisPoly = Vertex_TriList(LOOP_Vertices, LOOP_Polys)

Nx# = Nx# + Face_NX#(ThisPoly)
Ny# = Ny# + Face_NY#(ThisPoly)
Nz# = Nz# + Face_NZ#(ThisPoly)


; Normalize the new vertex normal.
; (Normalizing is scaling the vertex normal down so that it's length = 1)

Nl# = Sqr(Nx#^2 + Ny#^2 + Nz#^2)

; Avoid a divide by zero error if by some freak accident, the vectors add up to 0.
; If Nl# = 0 Then Nl# = 0.1

Nx# = Nx# / Nl#
Ny# = Ny# / Nl#
Nz# = Nz# / Nl#

; Set the vertex normal.

VertexNormal Surface_Handle, LOOP_Vertices, Nx#, Ny#, Nz#
;VertexColor Surface_Handle, LOOP_Vertices, polys*127, polys*127, polys*127



End Function

Comments :

Wings(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Swift... this code saved my terrain  :D(build in normals in b3d has some buggs then using several alpha surface)