[bb] Orbital gravity by stu [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:42

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Title : Orbital gravity
Author : stu
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Some very simple orbital mechanics with a single planet orbiting a star - then a large number of 'asteroids' added to the mix. The asteroids do not effect each other but are effected by both the planet and the star, and there is no collision detection or 'clumping' of matter- I need to find a way to do this without slowing things down to much

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
; Gravity demo

; Set up

Graphics3D 1024,768

; Global Variables - needs some tidying
Global angle#, radius#
Global earthx#,earthy#,earthvelx#,earthvely#
Global earthangle#,earthradius#,earthrot#
Global earthforce#,eaccelx#,eaccely#
Global eradius#, eangle#

SetBuffer BackBuffer()
; camera
camera = CreateCamera()
CameraViewport camera,0,0,1024,768
CameraRange camera,2,2000
PositionEntity camera,0,-350,-100
RotateEntity camera,-40,0,0



LightColor light1,200,100,100
LightColor light3,200,100,100
LightColor light2,200,20,20
LightColor light4,200,20,20

PositionEntity light1,20,0,200
PositionEntity light2,0,-20,200
PositionEntity light3,-20,0,200
PositionEntity light4,0,20,200

SeedRnd MilliSecs()
; Particle type
Type Par
Field xpos#,ypos#
Field xvel#,yvel#
Field xp
Field mass#
End Type

; set up scenario initial conditions
Global sun = CreateSphere(32)
Global Earth = CreateSphere(32)

ScaleEntity sun,20,20,20
ScaleEntity Earth,5,5,5
EntityColor sun,255,255,0
EntityColor Earth,50,200,255
;suntex = LoadTexture("sun.jpg",1)
;earthtex = LoadTexture("earth.jpg",1)
sunangle# = 90.0
Const SUNMASS = 10000
Const EARTHMASS = 1000
Const Fieldx = 200
Const Fieldy = 200
; no of particles
Const Parcnt = 1000
Const G# = 0.000667
; Start limit distance from Sun
Const START = 80
earthx = 100
earthy = 100
earthvelx = 0.2
earthvely = -0.1

PositionEntity sun,0,0,200

PositionEntity Earth,earthx,earthy,200

;Create the Texture
sptex = CreateTexture(width,width,1+8)
SetBuffer TextureBuffer(sptex)
For a = 1 To 200
Plot Rand(0,width-1),Rand(0,width-1)
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
TextureBlend sptex,5

;Create the Sphere
spbox = CreateSphere(5)
ScaleEntity spbox,1000,1000,1000
EntityTexture spbox,sptex
ScaleTexture sptex,.25,.5
EntityFX spbox,1
FlipMesh spbox
EntityOrder spbox,99999

; function to create particle

Function CreatePar()
p.Par = New par
pxpos# = Rand(-Fieldx,Fieldx)
pypos# = Rand(-Fieldy,Fieldy)
If pxpos > 0.0 And pypos > 0.0 And pxpos < START And pypos < START
pxpos = START
pypos = START
ElseIf pxpos < 0.0 And pypos < 0.0 And pxpos > -START And pypos > -START
pxpos = -START
pypos = -START
ElseIf pxpos > 0.0 And pypos < 0.0 And pxpos < START And pypos > -START
pxpos = START
pypos = -START
ElseIf pxpos < 0.0 And pypos > 0.0 And pxpos > -START And pypos < START
pxpos = -START
pypos = START

If pxpos > 0.0 And pypos > 0.0
pxvel = Rand(1,1.2)/10.0
pyvel = Rand(-1.2,-1)/10.0
ElseIf pxpos > 0.0 And pypos < 0.0
pxvel = Rand(-1.2,-1)/10.0
pyvel = Rand(-1.2,-1)/10.0
ElseIf pxpos < 0.0 And pypos < 0.0
pxvel = Rand(-1.2,-1)/10.0
pyvel = Rand(1,1.2)/10.0
pxvel = Rand(1,1.2)/10.0
pyvel = Rand(1,1.2)/10.0
pmass = 5.0
pxp = CreateSphere()
EntityColor pxp,10,10,10
EntityShininess pxp,1.0
End Function

; Update particle position
Function UpdatePar(p.Par)
Local sunforce#,accelx#,accely#
Local eforce#,accelex#,acceley#
AngleSun p
If radius < 20.0 Or radius > 500.0
pxvel = 0.0
pyvel = 0.0
PositionEntity pxp,0,0,200
Delete p
Sunforce = (G * SUNMASS * pmass) / (radius*radius)
AngleEarth p
If eradius < 5.0
pxvel = 0.0
pyvel = 0.0
PositionEntity pxp,0,0,200
Delete p
eforce = (G * EARTHMASS * pmass) / (eradius*eradius)
accelx=-(sunforce/pmass) * Cos(angle)
accely=-(sunforce/pmass) * Sin(angle)
accelex =  -(eforce/pmass) * Cos(eangle)
acceley =  -(eforce/pmass) * Sin(eangle)
accelx = accelx + accelex
accely = accely + acceley
pxvel = pxvel+accelx
pyvel = pyvel+accely
PositionEntity pxp,pxpos,pypos,200
End Function

; Get angle + radius
Function AngleSun(p.Par)
angle = ATan2(pypos,pxpos)
radius = EntityDistance(sun,pxp)
End Function

Function AngleEarth(p.Par)
eangle = ATan2(pypos-earthy,pxpos-earthx)
eradius = EntityDistance(Earth,pxp)
End Function

; Create some particles
For i = 1 To Parcnt

; Main loop

While Not KeyHit(1)

;EntityTexture sun,suntex
;EntityTexture Earth,earthtex
;sunangle = sunangle + 0.1
;earthrot = earthrot+ 0.001
;RotateTexture suntex,sunangle
;TurnEntity Earth,0,earthrot,0

; Move Earth
earthangle = ATan2(earthy,earthx)
earthradius = Sqr(earthx*earthx+earthy*earthy)
earthforce = (G * SUNMASS * EARTHMASS) / (earthradius*earthradius)
eaccelx=-(earthforce/EARTHMASS) * Cos(earthangle)
eaccely=-(earthforce/EARTHMASS) * Sin(earthangle)
earthvelx = earthvelx+eaccelx
earthvely = earthvely+eaccely
PositionEntity Earth,earthx,earthy,200

; Move particles

For p.Par = Each Par
UpdatePar p

; Move Camera
; Cursor keys + A = zoom in , Z = zoom out
; , roll left . roll right

If KeyDown(200) Then
MoveEntity camera,0,3.6,0
TurnEntity camera,1,0,0

If KeyDown(208) Then
MoveEntity camera,0,-3.6,0
TurnEntity camera,-1,0,0

If KeyDown(203) Then
MoveEntity camera,3.6,0,0
TurnEntity camera,0,1.0,0

If KeyDown(205) Then
MoveEntity camera,-3.6,0,0
TurnEntity camera,0,-1.0,0

If KeyDown(30) Then
MoveEntity camera,0,0,1.0

If KeyDown(44) Then
MoveEntity camera,0,0,-1.0

If KeyDown(51) Then
TurnEntity camera,0,0,1

If KeyDown(52) Then
TurnEntity camera,0,0,-1




Comments :

stu(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Feel free to play around :-)

puki(Posted 1+ years ago)

 I found it rather interesting.I added:EntityColor sun,255,255,0EntityColor Earth,0,155,255just to sex it up.

puki(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Actually, I wondered why it was a bit sluggish.pxp = CreateSphere(16) is the reason why.Some people might want to change that to pxp = CreateSphere() or even just CreateCube() for a bit of turbo.

stu(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Yes, and there are ways to speed it up still further - deleting entities that are 'kicked out' of the system once they are a certain distance from the Sun - There is also some code in there which is commented out that add a rotating sun texture and an earth texture and rotating earth which makes it a bit prettier, add your own texture maps in place of the ones used and this code can be un-commented.I eventually plan on proper collisions and 'clumping' and on using some pretty lighting and particle effects

Stevie G(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Also, use entitydistance() for your radius and eradius calculations.

stu(Posted 1+ years ago)

 I've now edited the code to make it a little more refined - the sun and earth now 'swallow' particles and I've added some lighting. I've also added a new variable START which sets how far away from the Sun the particles are allowed to begin, changing this value can create some interesting patterns. I've also added Chroma's 'SpaceSphere' as a background